Casa Magna Equivalent Unit

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As I've written here previously, I enjoy non-Cuban cigars. I will say that since discovering the Czar I've increased my Cuban % to about 90-95% Cuban from 40-50%. Formerly the (very) high prices of my sources in London kept the ratio down. In any case, my local merchant recently talked me into picking up a Casa Magna, which as you know was declared the "cigar of the year" by CA. I won't get into all the "flavours" I "enjoyed" from this cigar - this isn't a review - but I would like to share a new ratio I've devised which can be used to determine how much nicotine contributes to your enjoyment of cigars. I call it the Casa Magna Equivalent Unit. It's simple. Basically, you figure out how many Casa Magnas you could tolerate smoking if you HAD to smoke them as part of your rotation, up to the point at which you would give up all smoking altogether. So for example, if you smoke five cigars a week, and you'd be willing to smoke as many as one Casa Magna a week in order to continue your cigar enjoyment, your CMEU would be 20 (=1/5 multiplied by 100). If your CMEU = 100 you are the nicotine equivalent of a crack *****. If 0 it is really all about the subtle enjoyment of fine tobacco. I'd say I could choke down 1 a month :P . I smoke, say, 400 cigars a year. Therefore, my CMEU = 12/400*100 = 3.

So, where would you score on this scientifically calibrated scale?

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I smoke 3-4 cigars daily on a weekday and 4-6 daily on the weekend, so my nicotine tolerance is pretty high.

Ratio of 95% Cuban.

I tried a Casa Magna and found it NOT to my liking and I would not want to "choke one down" ever again! lol :)

Another reason for me not to put too much value on CA ratings. :P

I enjoy a high nicotine stick once in a while- LFD Double Ligero, Opux X

So I'm not sure where I fit in?

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I really do not like the Casa Magna. I tried them before they were ranked #1 and after, and didn't like any of them. If they had to be part of my rotation, and I had to smoke a Casa Magna to smoke cigars, I'd light one up on a yearly basis. (Meaning, I'd light it up and throw it out.)

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Im completely lost in your math, lol. In the height of my tobacco days, I smoked a few cigs over a pack a day and had the fresh Cope in about half the time I was awake. I now smoke a couple cigars a week, but I think Im cranky all the time because of Vitamin N deficiancy.

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Was gifted some of these bad boys (and I mean bad) for my birthday by a non-cigar smoking friend. I guess they assumed tht if it was CA's Cigar of the Year for 2008 it must have been good. Oh how wrong they were.

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I must have poor taste, but I like these cigars. I've only had the corona size, but for <$5, I think they're good. Best of the year is ridiculous, but I think you guys are being too harsh on these cigars.

Well, if you like them, they're good, right? Nothing wrong with that. For my money, when I'm in the mood for a fairly decent but cheap cigar I grab a Padron or an Oliva. No doubt some people hate one, the other, or both.

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My number is 0, as I've never smoked a Casa Magna and don't really plan to. But removing that particular cigar from the equation and just going by the role of nicotine in my smoking, my number would be about 12. I smoke about 400 a year also, and about once a week I pick a cigar for its strength.

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