What Drinking will do to you

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What drinking will do to you

6 beers


2 glasses of wine


2 bottles of wine - Shared of course


too many margaritas


3 Kamikazes


7 rum & cokes


1 large purple haze


3 martinis


1 bottle of tequila


And for the grande finale


12 hours at the state of origin footy priceless

If you got a chuckle or smile,

pass it on to someone who

loves animals too and drunk Presidents

Babu Sassi, a fearless young man from southern India is the cult hero of D ubai 's army of construction workers.

Known as the "Indian on the top of the world", Babi is the crane operator at the world's tallest building — the 819-metre Burj D ubai. His office, the cramped crane cab perched on top of the Burj, is also his home — apparently it takes too long to come down to the ground each day to make it worthwhile. When the building is completed, its elevators will be the worlds fastest.

Stories about his daily dalliance with death are discussed in revered terms by D ubai 's workers. Some say he has been up there for more than a year, others whisper that he's paid 30,000 dirhams ($8,168) a month compared with the average wage of 800 dirhams a month. All agree he's worth it.


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There is no way you would get me to the top floor of that building!! No 'ken way!! Buildings are not meant to be that high I'm sure!!

Sorry guys the building was meant to be in a separate post put it in by accident edited looks like its gone but when you submit its still there ah well enjoy for what it is wonder if it has a smoking lounge/deck :cigar:

Oz :party:

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Hysterical post!!!

When the Freedom Tower gets close to completion I will definitely post some pictures from an Ironworkers point of view... And when the attanae is topped out we'll snap some shots with some of Rob's finest stogies!!!

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