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In my reading of posts past and present, I have seen many with "cryptic" abbreviations or acronyms. I'm sure there are many long in the tooth who understand the vernacular. And if you're new like me, you may not get all of it. The ones I understand I'll post here, and if you know of more, help a brother/bretheren out and clue us in. :idea:

LCDH: La Casa De Habanos

RyJ: Romeo y Julieta

RASS: Ramon Allones Specially Selected

PSD4: Partagas Serie D #4

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AFAIAA - As Far As I Am Aware

B&M = Brick 'n' mortar (ie, the cigar store in the mall, not on the web)

BB = Bulletin board

BBF = Bolivar Belicoso Fino

BOTL = Brother of the leaf (ie, fellow cigar smoker)

BTW : By the way

CB = Chocolate Bomb = Vegas Robaina

ERDM = El Rey Del Mundo

EROPS Engine Runs Or Passenger Swims

FUBAR - ****ed up beyond anything recognizable

HACA ; Hirpus AMICIgar Club Association ;-)

Herf - projectile vomiting

HERF = A gathering of cigar smokers. (High Energy Radio Frequency)

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

IMHO : In my HUMBLE opinion (edit by Larry)

IMO : In my opinion

ISOM -island south of Miami

LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off

LOL : Lots of laught

LOL = Laugh out loud

MOOCH - I've never had one of those.

OMG = Oh my gosh!

P160A - Partagas 160 Aniversario Humidor

PAM = Padron Anniversary Maduro

PLPC = Por Larrañaga Petit Corona

PNOC -peninsula north of Cuba

PUBS = Republicans

RH = Relative Humidity

ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing

ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

ROTT = Right Off The Truck

S&M - Pissing off Donna

SITDOWN = A gathering of cigar smokers.

SOTL = Sister of the leaf (fellow cigar smoker of the female persuasion)

STFU = Shut the **** up!

WOAM = (Fuente's Hemmingway) Work Of Art Maduro

WOW = Whip em out Wednesday

WTF = What The ****

YC = Yummy Cave = Humidor

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  • 5 years later...

PSP HQ PE Can anybody explain to me please what these abbreviations stand for ?

PE - Premium Economy cigars, nice way to say standard/acceptable cigars

HQ - Hi Quality, excellent cigars

PSP - dont know what it stands for but it refers to cigars of the highest quality. Near perfect etc

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PE - Premium Economy cigars, nice way to say standard/acceptable cigars

HQ - Hi Quality, excellent cigars

PSP - dont know what it stands for but it refers to cigars of the highest quality. Near perfect etc

PSP = Premium Select Program

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