Castro and his gifts

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With all the talk about the youth of cigars and how its a hit and miss game, I was wondering about the Dignitary gifts that Castro would give away to foreign visitors.

Did he give away young crap or were the cigars aged?

Also........before he signed the embargo, what exactly did Jack Kennedy stockpile? Was it new production or aged?

And, finally..........(and I promise I'll put the whole aged cigar discussion to bed), when everyone raved about cuban cigars back in the late fifties and such........what the hell were they smoking? You never heard them say "I gotta age it". Nobody ever said "Let 'em sit".

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» With all the talk about the youth of cigars and how its a hit and miss

» game, I was wondering about the Dignitary gifts that Castro would give

» away to foreign visitors.


» Did he give away young crap or were the cigars aged?


» Also........before he signed the embargo, what exactly did Jack Kennedy

» stockpile? Was it new production or aged?


» And, finally..........(and I promise I'll put the whole aged cigar

» discussion to bed), when everyone raved about cuban cigars back in the

» late fifties and such........what the hell were they smoking? You never

» heard them say "I gotta age it". Nobody ever said "Let 'em sit".

Well I can't answer really but as for the last question... In "An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post Revolution Havana Cigars" By Min Ron Nee. There is an entry how in the 20's (and I am sure up till the embargo) the major importers would age the cigars themselves before selling to the public (10 years was what the book says.)

It is a great book if you are looking to learn and can answer quite a few questions you may be having. Ask N2adventure, he can probably point you in the right direction.

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Outside of the serious collectors and enthusiasts in the 50' many people actually had a humidor?

Remember the licking of the wrapper before lighting a cigar? The lifting of the cigar to the ear to listen .....for what I still don't know :yes:

I propose that aged cigars available at the time may have had more to do with tough economic times (slow sales and lower premium cigar demand) as much as anything else.

I am only guessing but I suspect that the "glory days" may not stand up to scrutiny. How I would love to spend an afternoon talking with a cigar tobacconist from that period....not necessarily one from London or Geneva....but rather from Queens, Sydney, Singapore, Bombay, Casablanca.

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» » Also........before he signed the embargo, what exactly did Jack Kennedy

» » stockpile? Was it new production or aged?


» He stocked up on Petit Upmanns that were purchased at stores around town.

my understanding was that fidel was giving away cohiba lanceros (top of head so apols if i am wrong) and subsequently trinidads but no doubt there were special rollings. one would imagine that they were top notch (back in cold war days, a dud cigar was more than enough of an excuse for a war).

he sent pierre salinger, i think, who was his press secretary at the time, out to get all he could of the upmanns. i think it was not just around DC but he was on the blower far and wide.

there is a rum that he also would hand out. i forget the name - came across it once in a book - but no one i have spoken to in cuba has heard of it. 25 years ageing etc.

if anyone knows anything about this rum, please let me know.

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