Hail Ken...and welcome back.

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Our resident wine guru, good friend, all around great guy and holder of incriminating photo's has touched down after his month sojourn away.

The forum is richer for his return, the sky a little more blue.

Whats new good buddy, great mate, good friend :waving:

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» Our resident wine guru, good friend, all around great guy and holder of incriminating photo's has touched down after his month sojourn away.


» The forum is richer for his return, the sky a little more blue.


» Whats new good buddy, great mate, good friend :waving:

Well.......now we know who's in the photos.....:-D

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» Our resident wine guru, good friend, all around great guy and holder of

» incriminating photo's has touched down after his month sojourn away.


» The forum is richer for his return, the sky a little more blue.


» Whats new good buddy, great mate, good friend :waving:

:confused: Somethings amiss

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thanks to all.it is hard to keep track of what is hppening and i am pleased to be back. was planning to crash early tonight to catch up on desparatly needed sleep. guess who said bugger that (and where do you keep the photos?) and so another evening on the balcony and the world has quite a few less hamlet rolled specials in it than existed a few hours earlier.

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» thanks to all.it is hard to keep track of what is hppening and i am pleased

» to be back. was planning to crash early tonight to catch up on desparatly

» needed sleep. guess who said bugger that (and where do you keep the

» photos?) and so another evening on the balcony and the world has quite a

» few less hamlet rolled specials in it than existed a few hours earlier.

Glad you are back safely Ken -- Now bust out some photos :hungry:

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» Our resident wine guru, good friend, all around great guy and holder of

» incriminating photo's has touched down after his month sojourn away.


» The forum is richer for his return, the sky a little more blue.


» Whats new good buddy, great mate, good friend :waving:

A suspicious amount of arse kissing going on here... someone really has the dirt.


Welcome back Ken!

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Hope you and Rob come it will be a blast have had a 2 ports from that year one was flat and the other was unreal!!!

My friend Tony wants to meet you as he is a big wine collector.

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