LCDH\'s in Spain Please

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Mel, if you do a search here for estancos, there are a couple of threads that list a few shops.

There are no LCDH listed on their site - I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that

the Spanish government sets prices or not, but I am now interested in finding out.

Hopefully others will chime in with more direct info for you.

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Mel- as Colt said all prices in spain are government regulated. There are no LCDHs only 'estancos' some of which sell cigars some of which won't. You can tell them from the little maroon and yellow signs outside.

I have tried before to find a list of cigar-selling estancos on the net but to no avail. Sorry I can't be more help- I only know of very good estancos in Barcelona and Palma (mallorca is lovely).

Enjoy your trip.

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» Mel- as Colt said all prices in spain are government regulated. There are

» no LCDHs only 'estancos' some of which sell cigars some of which won't.

» You can tell them from the little maroon and yellow signs outside.


» I have tried before to find a list of cigar-selling estancos on the net

» but to no avail. Sorry I can't be more help- I only know of very good

» estancos in Barcelona and Palma (mallorca is lovely). But any big town should have a couple with a reasonable selection.


» Enjoy your trip.

(Oh- And restaurants and duty free are legally allowed to charge more for cigars, watch out for that)

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» are

» » no LCDHs only 'estancos' some of which sell cigars some of which won't.

» » Enjoy your trip.


» (Oh- And restaurants and duty free are legally allowed to charge more for

» cigars, watch out for that)

Aha, that explains my search in vain and thanks for the heads up on restaurants.

Found a casa de puros in Estepona, Costa de Sol and from pictures, it looks like they have a fair "walk in"

I won't stay in Marbella but look for somewhere in Benalmadena or Fuengerola if not Estepona itself.

I only sit round the pool soaking up the sun and drinking Piña Coladas so not too worried about sites to see.



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Spain, eh? Look at the world traveler...

I found two places listed on Cigar Aficionado. Don't know if they have retail locations, or if they are internet only.

Edited: This Internet Location has suspect cigars and is not known has an honest vendor.



Maybe you can get in touch with James Suckling (European editor or something for CA)- I think he lives in Spain.

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» Spain, eh? Look at the world traveler...

Hi Chris. Not really as it seems.

I'm being made redundant and will be taking a two week vacation before taking up new employment that may become available.

» Maybe you can get in touch with James Suckling (European editor or

» something for CA)- I think he lives in Spain.

I didn't know that.

Think I've found a good possibility though.

Thanks for looking back Shootin' but I prefer to be on the Costa rather than inland.

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» I'm being made redundant and will be taking a two week vacation before

» taking up new employment that may become available.

Sorry to hear that Mel - I hope all works out for you. I hope you'll take and post some pics from your trip.

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» » Maybe you can get in touch with James Suckling (European editor or

» » something for CA)- I think he lives in Spain.

» I believe Suckling lives in Italy (Tuscany), not in Spain…

My mistake. We don't have any Amigos del Habanos on this site?

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» Taking first two weeks in May hol in Spain.

» LCDH or good Cuban supplier may decide chosen resort.

» Suggestions please.


» mel39 thanks

Spain = gvt regulated prices, 9% margin, crap selection.

Want to stay in Spain, speak English and see CCs? Go to Marbella / Estepona to lay in the sun and rent a car and drive 40 miles to Gibraltar. LCH there, cheaper than Spain btw.

  • Thanks 1
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» Spain = gvt regulated prices, 9% margin, crap selection.


» Want to stay in Spain, speak English and see CCs? Go to Marbella /

» Estepona to lay in the sun and rent a car and drive 40 miles to Gibraltar.

» LCH there, cheaper than Spain btw.

Thanks Claudi.

Don't drive but may take the trip to Gib.

Have been there before and strange to see that little bit of England abroad. Only sought rolling tobacco in those days.

We have more apes at home nowadays:-D

Wonder if habanos are available in Ceuta?


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» Sorry to hear that Mel - I hope all works out for you. I hope you'll take

» and post some pics from your trip.

Thanks Colt. I was a little taken aback when I was informed that my annual fixed term contract would not be renewed.

I was only working part-time from when I reached 65.

They now want a full timer to live in. I could have accepted that position but there would've been too many restrictions.

I have registered with an Agency that feel they can find me similar work so not too concerned.

It is a pity that after working 50 years, the State Pension is insufficient to live on.

Well I might have managed if I lived very frugally and gave up cigars but would that have been "living"?. No way!

Will take my Nikon but it will be a hassle, now that only one piece of hand luggage is allowed. .


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Mel if you decide to go to Benalmedena then there is an Estanco in Torremolinos with a nice walk-in humi. Torremolinos is within walking distance of Benalmadena. It's about half an hour walk by the boardwalk along the beach. Don't remember the addresse but it's located in the main street of the shopping area you can't miss it. It's where all the tourists go for shopping.

Also if you rent a car and are visiting Gibraltar from there. On Main Street there is a cigar shop called Stagnetto. Never been there but heard positive things about their shop.

If you're near Costa Brava you might wanna go visit Barcelona. At the Rambla the is a very good Estanco called Gimenos. The adress is Las Ramblas 100. Again very easy to spot. It's just across the street from the Boqueria market. Also Barcelona is a very beautiful city which is worth a visit. Just in case you need arguments for selling the idea to the wife ;-)

Have a great trip if you decide to go.

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» Mel if you decide to go to Benalmedena then there is an Estanco in

» Torremolinos with a nice walk-in humi. Torremolinos is within walking

» distance of Benalmadena. It's about half an hour walk by the boardwalk

» along the beach. Don't remember the addresse but it's located in the main

» street of the shopping area you can't miss it. It's where all the tourists

» go for shopping.


» Also if you rent a car and are visiting Gibraltar from there. On Main

» Street there is a cigar shop called Stagnetto. Never been there but heard

» positive things about their shop.


» If you're near Costa Brava you might wanna go visit Barcelona. At the

» Rambla the is a very good Estanco called Gimenos. The adress is Las

» Ramblas 100. Again very easy to spot. It's just across the street from the

» Boqueria market. Also Barcelona is a very beautiful city which is worth a

» visit. Just in case you need arguments for selling the idea to the wife

» ;-)


» Have a great trip if you decide to go.

Forgot to add that where ever you go you can always go ask at the nearest Estanco for directions to a local Estanco with a "cava de puros". Most the time they will know of such an Estanco in the local area.

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» Wonder if habanos are available in Ceuta?


Yes they are, and prices there are even lower than in mainland…

Mel, do you know that a few months ago, the prices of certain habanos that don't sell was lowered?

What I can recall:

— Partagas coronas: 4.00 €uros/cig

— Hoyo coronas: 3.00 €uros/cig

— RyJ Cedros deluxe No1: 4.50 €uros/cig

— Vegueros especiale No1: 4.00 €uros/cig (when the No2 is at 5.40 €… :lookaround: )

If I were you, I'd search every estanco for a nice box of old Partagas coronas… ;-)

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Wow guys,

spoilt for choice now.

Have been looking in vain for a cheapo to Barcelona for Easter but guess I left it too late. Air fares shoot way up, naturally I guess.

The weather in the UK is promised to be crappy for the four day holiday and I would love to get some of the old currant bun.

Cockney rhyming slang for those who don't know.

Thanks SG but no excuse needed as there is no other half.

Two ex wives was enough.

Only make love to cigars nowadays.

Smooth, sleek and sensual and you can chuck them out when you're done with 'em.

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» Wow guys,

» spoilt for choice now.

» Have been looking in vain for a cheapo to Barcelona for Easter but guess I

» left it too late. Air fares shoot way up, naturally I guess.

» The weather in the UK is promised to be crappy for the four day holiday

» and I would love to get some of the old currant bun.

» Cockney rhyming slang for those who don't know.


» Thanks SG but no excuse needed as there is no other half.

» Two ex wives was enough.

» Only make love to cigars nowadays.

» Smooth, sleek and sensual and you can chuck them out when you're done with

» 'em.

LOL good point Mel :-D

Btw sent you an email.

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» LOL good point Mel :-D

» Btw sent you an email.

Doooh email script still disabled. Just a link to official price list set by the spanish authorities that all Estanco's have to follow. Not sure if posting it here violates any of the forum rules, so I won't post it.

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» » LOL good point Mel :-D

» » Btw sent you an email.


» Doooh email script still disabled. Just a link to official price list set

» by the spanish authorities that all Estanco's have to follow. Not sure if

» posting it here violates any of the forum rules, so I won't post it.

[email protected]

will find me. Thanks,


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