Happy(?) Anniversary(s)

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» Pouring rain all day here, and I've been doing some reading....

» A month late, but....


» Rob - ten years with Czars - happy anniversary! :clap:


» Lisa - five years with Rob - happy sainthood! :-D

Happy Belated to Rob!

Prayers sent to Lisa! :rotfl:

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» Pouring rain all day here, and I've been doing some reading....

» A month late, but....


» Rob - ten years with Czars - happy anniversary! :clap:


» Lisa - five years with Rob - happy sainthood! :-D

Happy Anniversary Rob and Lisa! Wish I had known you all for ten years.

At lots of *finer* companies, there is a gift at Ten years. A watch or some other token of appreciation. I think you should take this opportunity to crank out the FOH - Havana Edition's and give one to yourself for free! ;-)

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» Pouring rain all day here, and I've been doing some reading....

» A month late, but....


» Rob - ten years with Czars - happy anniversary! :clap:


Has he been exploitting $$$ from poor us for 10 years ?

FOHers around the world, Unite!! :-D

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» Pouring rain all day here, and I've been doing some reading....

» A month late, but....


» Rob - ten years with Czars - happy anniversary! :clap:


» Lisa - five years with Rob - happy sainthood! :-D

I am LOL at this post!!

Happy Anniversary guys!

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