Rob should be in the door any moment :-)

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Well my rein as ruler is about over as Rob's plane has landed and as we speak he is more than likely in a Taxi on the way to FOH House...

Can't wait for the stories and catching up.... Must say not used to him being away for so long... actually missed him this time :-D No one to tease over coffee in the morning..

Thanks for your help guys...


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» Well my rein as ruler is about over as Rob's plane has landed and as we

» speak he is more than likely in a Taxi on the way to FOH House...


» Can't wait for the stories and catching up.... Must say not used to him

» being away for so long... actually missed him this time :-D No one to

» tease over coffee in the morning..


» Thanks for your help guys...


» Lisa

Rob was gone??? :lookaround:

Seriously though - You have done a bang up job while he was away Lisa! :clap:

Well, I guess it is back to the chaos again ;-)

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» » :confused:


» My sleeping icon was in response to the subject, not the message from

» Lisa. It has been great dealing with her. Like Rob was never gone....

Only way Rob can upstage the great job Lisa has been doing would be a 30% discount on all box orders :hungry:

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