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Okay I know this is strange but I want to get my hands on the Tom Cruise book by Andrew Norton ... it is not released in Australia (how bloody ridiculous :-( )

Please I would love to get my hands on it so if anyone could get me one I will reimburse you the cost and freight....

Lisa :-D

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» » Stupid question, but why dont you just order it from


» We have heard that they have stopped shipping them out... It is okay

» darlin Colt is organising one for me


» Lisa

Colt's a big toady. :-D

Edited to add:

I bet he's shipping you his used copy. :-D :-D :-D

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» Stupid question, but why dont you just order it from

For some reason, they will not ship this book outside the U.S. or Canada.

» Colt's a big toady. :-D


More like toadstool.


» I bet he's shipping you his used copy. :-D :-D :-D

oh know where to strike! :lol:

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» Because other countries wont allow such rubbish inside their walls. Cruise

» is such an imbecile ;)

Trust me I can't stand him but I am an avid reader and there is 5 of us wanting to read this .... It will be well thumbed once everyone has had a chance to read it

Thanks for offers guys I really appreciate it


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