trout fishing - rotoroa, south island nz

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Aotearoa, Land of the Long White Cloud, I love it.

Great photo shop job Colt, not your best in as much as some of the lighting angles are off, but you make Ken look good which is an achievement in itself.

You see… if Ken had really been in Rotorua… he’d have known it was on the NORTH ISLAND!!!!


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» a few pics finally got round to downloading to clear out the camera for the

» cuba trip. i have banged on about how spectacular this place is. the fish

» are a bonus.

I love your shots. They are beautiful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

» Aotearoa, Land of the Long White Cloud, I love it.


» Great photo shop job Colt, not your best in as much as some of the

» lighting angles are off, but you make Ken look good which is an

» achievement in itself.


» You see… if Ken had really been in Rotorua… he’d have known it was on the


» :rot

typical cowgirl fan.

rotoroa is on the south island, the other smelly one, spelt slightly differently, is on the north!!

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» Ken

» This are some great photos. I wish I could go on a fishing trip like

» this...

Although not quite as scenic, the Middle Fork of the Salmon river is a great "local" (as in same hemisphere) excursion. It's also a great WW destination, and I kayaked it in 2004. Find a good rafting outfit and you can split time between kaying/rafting and fishing.

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Am i jealous? yes. :)

i was in NZ a few months ago, however i did not go to rotoroa......looks like next time that is a must do after seeing your photos!


» a few pics finally got round to downloading to clear out the camera for the

» cuba trip. i have banged on about how spectacular this place is. the fish

» are a bonus.



» more in a moment

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» Hi

» Ken

» We have to hook up on one of these trips....

all for it. you'd love this place. planning a return (not that i ever actually made it in the first place) to kiribati mid year-ish, to have a crack at bones and big GT's if anyone interested. let me know.

use the forum. the scum that is telstra have shut down my email, and yes, i did pay the bills.

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  • 8 months later...

a few pics finally got round to downloading to clear out the camera for the cuba trip. i have banged on about how spectacular this place is. the fish are a bonus.

the view from the lodge -


another angle


some nearby shots




a few fish. nothing huge this trip but some solid fish.




more in a moment

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a few general shots - this is flying off by chopper to some rivers.


a couple of my guide greg (if that imbecile ayala suggested he'd ever cast for a client, hey'd never find hid body. fish food.)



crossing the river and the view.


ok, this was from an earlier trip to here but i couldn't resist (and that imposter the prez may actually jag something decent this week so i need to remind him what a real fish is).


and one of my fave shots from an earlier trip.


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