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While the UK situation is still unfolding it is dangerous to speculate on what really occured and what level of risk there was.

However, I am just a little bit more grateful this morning that on my last seven overseas trips I have been strip searched twice, detained for further questioning twice and generally harrassed.

Usually this leads to my travelling companions bursting into fits of laughter ("!LOL!... they have got Rob again") and me in a furious state.

I can live with it.

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It certainly is a different world that we now live in. I tip my hats off to the people behind the scenes that have been able to thwart such disasters. And the people that go deep undercover to infiltrate these terrorist organizations. That has to take nerves of steel to do such a thing. And how about the airline pilots/stewards that are on these flights. Day in and day out these people know that their lives are in jeopardy. Yet they come to work everyday and do their jobs.

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I see the airline industry going to the El Al method - everyone is thoroughly searched and nothing is allowed on the plane basically. I would rather see EVERYONE harrassed instead of seeing Grandma Mary and Little Johnny being searched while, eh-hum, other more likely candidates for terror, walk right on by.

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Just because we haven't had any major terrorist attacks since the London bombings, we definitely can't let ourselves get lulled into thinking we're still safe and should stop being diligent in security matters.

It's the hard work of the men and women of the police, intelligence agencies, and militaries of great nations like the USA, the UK, and Australia that have kept us safe so far! :ok:

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as an airline pilot , for one of the targeted airlines , i must say that i was quite shocked as i arrived to fly my trip early this morning .....

based on what i know , let me say , we are VERY lucky these guys were caught. they were closer to pulling it off than i am comfortable with.

KUDO's , CONGRATULATIONS , and HAT"S OFF to the UK Intelligence Apparatus ! They have saved countless lives ......

life will never be the same.


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» While the UK situation is still unfolding it is dangerous to speculate on

» what really occured and what level of risk there was.


» However, I am just a little bit more grateful this morning that on my last

» seven overseas trips I have been strip searched twice, detained for further

» questioning twice and generally harrassed.


» Usually this leads to my travelling companions bursting into fits of

» laughter ("!LOL!... they have got Rob again") and me in a furious state.


» I can live with it.

sure beats being dead!

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Nothing beats the private booths in Singapore that have the red velvet curtains :lol2:. I swear they must have bought those from a porno set.

I used to get a little annoyed when I'd be searched (one trip I got stopped at pretty much every airport) but, yeah, it sure beats being dead.

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My heart goes out to you my brother. From your perspective within the airline industry, do you feel that enough precautions are being taken to at least minimize the risk? Also, what about the threat of cargo on passenger flights? Is cargo/freight being checked as rigorously as the luggage? Be safe my brother.

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» gyosa...


» My heart goes out to you my brother. From your perspective within the

» airline industry, do you feel that enough precautions are being taken to

» at least minimize the risk? Also, what about the threat of cargo on

» passenger flights? Is cargo/freight being checked as rigorously as the

» luggage? Be safe my brother.

honestly , NO.

the TSA security checkpoints are a joke.... a dog-and-pony show.

they can't see the forest through the trees - they are too busy looking for "items" , when they should be looking for "people"...

for example , now , if you wanted to carry on a "liquid" , all you would have to do is stuff it down your pants , or put it in your pocket ...... a joke - they are too busy looking through luggage to see the "bad guys" waltzing through security ... body searching toddlers - you gotta be kidding me ....

cargo is NOT searched in this country... checked luggage is , but NOT cargo ..... unbelieveable , huh ???

my friends , this NEAR CATASTROPHIE should serve as a wake-up call to everyone in the world .... there are people out there who want to KILL you .

sorry for the rant .... i 'gotta go to the airport and fly now .... wish me luck !


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