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fair to say that i am not a gamer, i understand nothing about gamers and gaming and the idea of reading a novel about gaming is about as appealing as reading medical texts in Chinese. but i am a huge fan of matt ruff's novels (although he can be hit and miss).

'Fool on the Hill', i have read several times - imagine Tolkien meets Tim Robbins and they go to university. magic stuff, but every book of his is completely different. 'Set This House in Order' was another amazing book - like with gaming, the idea of reading a long novel about schizophrenia is just not me, but i thought it incredible. 

'88 Names' is his latest. and despite the topic, and the fact that there is a great deal i simply do not understand, i am loving it. i think any gamers among us will be blown away.  


Hmmm.  Will look him up.  Have been reading some of the Pendergast Series which I find entertaining.  Also the Joe Ide IQ novels which are pretty good.


I just finished "tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" by Gabrielle Zevin and found it to be quite enjoyable. Lots of tips of the cap to modern games and also the game building process. 

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