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Hello everyone. 

I'm a first-time user here, although I've been smoking cuban cigars for 13 years.

I've asked these questions on Reddit already, but hope to have a bit more insights here.

I live in Southern Europe where it's already summer pretty much. Temperature goes above 24 celsius in the room my cigars are stocked in (about 75 Fahrenheit).

I use the tupperador system (the IRIS ones), very hermetic, and Boveda 65%. I have 10 tupperadors, about 205 boxes, half of them are full.
he relative humidity is already in the upper 69%, some humidors are just about 70%. I'm using Govee hygrometers are all 10 are within the same range.
Been thinking about switching to Boveda 62% instead, but it might only get the humidity down to 67/68, I don't know.

Just a question: would leaving 62% Boveda bring the RH down a bit? The temperatures will continue to rise and stay pretty high until mid-September I think. I might try and move the tupperadors to another room in the flat, but it's pretty much the same temperatures everywhere, and I cannot run AC 24/7

Anyone is using Boveda 58? Or do you think Boveda 62% would be enough? A friend mentioned that my cigars might have a ~12% (in weight) of moisture content, and that in summer I'll have 25⁰C (and up) and drop down rH to 58%, in reality I would drop down moisture in my cigars to ~10.5% in weight. He said that at 25⁰C, I should keep RH at 65-66% (which I would like to), so that the moisture in my cigars maintains at ~12% in weight. 

Thank you.


My understanding is the moisture content of the cigar will go down as the temperature goes up given a constant RH.  This is the reverse of what many assume, myself included initially.  If it were me I'd probably stick with the same rh packets if your happy them and maybe throw in some desiccant packets to help humidity from getting away from you given your higher ambient rh as new Boveda packs don't seem to have as much capacity to remove humidity as they can add. 

That being said, over the past couple years I've tried Boveda packs from 69 and worked my way down to 55 presently with Integra Boost brand packs.  After all that the highest I'd consider personally is 62.  I think it's worth experimenting with.

  • JohnS changed the title to First-time user here. RH and Temperature questions.
On 6/10/2023 at 1:54 PM, BernardL said:

Been thinking about switching to Boveda 62% instead, but it might only get the humidity down to 67/68, I don't know.

I used to run a large IRIS tupper like yourself. I too would have the problem of the humidity reaching 68 on the top of the tupper and 70 near the bottom with 65rh bovedas. I switched out to 62s and found that after a month or so rh levels dropped to about 66 to and 68 bottom. imo this was too much for me as I was looking for something that could keep my stash in more of a ready to smoke condition. I was about to go to 58 bovedas but then decided to change direction in how I was storing them.

I eventually went with an electric coolerdor (the typical newair cooler type found on amazon) and found that while there is still some rh stratification between the top and bottom shelves, the rh is almost spot on (+/- a percent)  with whatever bovedas I put in there. (typically I do 62s in the summer and 65s in the winter). 

Overall, I think you just have to play with it for a while and see what works best for you in your environment/climate. 

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