lining up for days — occasionally even more than a week — to fill up with diesel in Cuba

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Diesel lacking for Cuba drivers as fuel used for electricity

Some drivers have been lining up for days — occasionally even more than a week — to fill up with diesel in Cuba

July 17, 2022, 4:04 AM

Drivers wait their turn to fuel their vehicles at a gas station in Havana, Cuba, Thursday, July 14, 2022. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

Drivers wait their turn to fuel their vehicles at a gas station in Havana, Cuba, Thursday, July 14, 2022. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
The Associated Press


HAVANA -- Dany Pérez had spent four days in a line of vehicles waiting to fill his truck with diesel he needs for the 900-kilometers (560-mile) trip from Havana to his home in eastern Cuba.

Taxi driver Jhojan Rodríguez had been waiting at another station even longer — it was nearing two weeks — but he was finally near the head of the line of hundreds of vehicles in the Playa district of the capital.

Such lines have become increasingly common in Cuba, where officials apparently have been sending scarce diesel fuel to power generation plants rather than fuel stations for vehicles.

It's not the first time the island has suffered fuel shortages, but it's one of worst.

“I have seen pretty bad situations, but not like now,” said the 46-year-old Pérez, who was eating and sleeping in his 1950s-era Chevrolet truck,which he had outfitted to haul some 40 passengers.

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I'll be out in a village about 6 hours drive west of Havana next week. I'm only expecting 4-6 hours of power each day. I'm hearing it's not as bad in Havana,  but there have still been outages. The shortages definitely relate to power generation and not enough fuel. Both diesel and heavy fuel oil. 


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This is Fidel's ultimate Jedi-mind-trick. About 15 years ago the Cuban government authorized the sales of diesel engines to be put in the old 50's cars. There were several brands; Kia, Toyota, Peugeot, Hyundai etc. The idea was that diesel fuel engines were more efficient and diesel fuel was cheaper on the parallel markets. A lot cheaper. I even remember a family member saying they had a hard time getting rid of it at 3 CUP/liter in the early 2000's. However, all of these imported engines were used and needed an overhaul within its 1st year. These engines were about $7000 for the Toyotas. Kinda pricey for an engine on its last legs. Also, the engine swap had to be authorized by the government and they were the only ones authorized to sell the engines. The guys that got in the beginning made out well. They got into it to make money, a lot had several   cars running 24 hours. The owners of these vehicles had money, houses and little side businesses. Today diesel and gas are about the same price, 25 CUP/liter. Thats about $1 USD gallon. So the diesel engines hardly make any more sense for the locals. The rationing or absence of diesel fuel "story" that the government has put out about needing it for their power generators is just that, a story. Diesel and gasoline are refined from the same crude oil being brought in from Venezuela/Nicaragua/Mexico or wherever they say its coming from. So if you refine one, you can refine the other. The true "story" is they want to piss off even further the remaining locals that own these diesel vehicles so that they will sell them and all their properties/businesses and leave the country. The other option would be to find your old engine that you sold for pennies on the dollar and put it back in. People will just get fed up and leave if they have the means. You see, its easier to control the broken down poor. Cory, you're a brave soul wandering off in the woods like that. Rambo would be proud of you. John

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