Why So Hard to Find Out Box Code/Factory Info?

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I realize the factory behind each revolving box code is supposed to be secret, but still, why is it so hard to find out this information?  I mean, it's Cuba right?  A well placed couple of $Jacksons$ ought to do the trick, no? :thinking::cigar:   How is it possible for Habanos SA to keep secrets better than the NSA?? :P 

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I cannot access the "More information about factories" anymore (https://www.cubancigarwebsite.com/production/info#factories) but it used to be a great place. There are some good threads on FoH that will show up in searches here and/or Google too though. For 1999 onwards, it seems pretty straightforward but before that I have seen quite a bit of competing information about certain codes.

Good luck with your code hunting!

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I Think he is asking why cant we see in a regular basis (semesterly, yearly) a spreadshit or something like that with factory/code.

I understand it shouldnt be hard but I guess few people in Cuba have all the codes and, more important, few people care.

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It's not really that hard. Every meaningful code (meaning the Havana Factories) is known less than a year after they change them. Hence the Cubancigarwebsite.com list. People will see one code during a tour at La Corona(or whichever factory is currently open), then the cats out of the bag on that one. El Laquito is always relatively easy to decipher, because of the cigars that regularly come from there. Like Oliver said, there are people out there with the list, but most people don't seem to care past the few mother mother factories. 

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I imagine that people in the business know the codes, or at least have a good idea. But I also imagine that if they'd like to retain their licences, they'd not be quick to divulge the info. But hey, for a few bennies, I'd be happy to make up supply you with a complete, up to date list of codes  :lol3:

If the goal of keeping the codes secret is to keep consumers from seeking to buy cigars produced only in certain factories, why not simply stop stamping codes on boxes altogether?

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it takes a few months to work out the changes. it has taken a little longer this year. 

I doubt more than a handful of people in tabacuba/HSA would know ALL the codes and they wouldn't be the ones with access to the distributors, retailers or public. 

So it is back to relationships with individual factory managers or QC people. Factory managers change. Factory tours were a great way but that is getting increasingly difficult (except for 1-2). 


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1 hour ago, Colt45 said:

If the goal of keeping the codes secret is to keep consumers from seeking to buy cigars produced only in certain factories, why not simply stop stamping codes on boxes altogether?

I had heard that the box codes were needed for quality control . . . :D yes, the irony there is overwhelming . . . :P 

Somewhere deep in HSA, there's a secretary or junior bean counter with the list.  We just need to make friends with that person. :thinking: 

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3 hours ago, shlomo said:

Box codes are such a stupid secret. Most people who buy Cuban cigars don't care about factory codes. 

Based on sales, I think many folks do, if only because of known good runs associated with certain months/codes. You see it everywhere. Also sticks from El Laguito tend to move faster and at higher price. There's a reason a certain vendor tends to mention it when promoting his daily sale.

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12 minutes ago, ElPuro said:

Based on sales, I think many folks do, if only because of known good runs associated with certain months/codes. You see it everywhere. Also sticks from El Laguito tend to move faster and at higher price. There's a reason a certain vendor tends to mention it when promoting his daily sale.

Some folks care. 

Since the majority of sales are most likely through airport duty free shops, or even in Cuba to tourists, I doubt they care. It really is the very selective Cuban cigar collector/smoker who care. I doubt even most of us on this forum care, as long as the cigars smoke well.

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1 hour ago, shlomo said:

Some folks care. 

Since the majority of sales are most likely through airport duty free shops, or even in Cuba to tourists, I doubt they care. It really is the very selective Cuban cigar collector/smoker who care. I doubt even most of us on this forum care, as long as the cigars smoke well.

Well said,  though there was a reason I didn't say "most." Some of a large group is nonetheless "many."

Semantics aside, I completely agree with the crux of your comment. I care myself to some degree, though have learned to care less about the factory than the "run," as it were. 

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