Montecristo No. 4

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16 hours ago, NSXCIGAR said:

Well, then I would not classify what you describe as an adequate inspection despite a vendor calling it an "inspection". A quick peek inside a box does not meet the level of inspection that I expect when that term is used. Now, do I often purchase blind or from vendors who "inspect" along the lines you describe? Yes. But I fully understand that prior to purchase. But I would never buy a cigar like Monte 4, Monte 2 or PSD4 that way. My point is that if the OP's vendor claims they "inspect", understand that this is an inspection in name only and is only slightly better than buying blind as you're only reducing the chances of total disaster, but then again, a total disaster would result in a refund/exchange anyway.

I'm not disparaging a vendor simply because they don't inspect. I would disparage a vendor who claims to inspect more thoroughly than just making sure there are 13 cigars in the top row not riddled with beetle holes and then a box w/ an oddball divider sheet turns up. My original statement was simply that if one's vendor inspects thoroughly these issues don't ever come up. When one buys blind, they can come up. 

I saw a YouTube clip of a vendor (don't recall which one or what video it's from) inspecting boxes before shipment. He simply opened the lid, glanced over the top row and then closed the lid to within a half inch and flipped the box over and looked at the bottom row and the feet of the cigars. Done. I remember being surprised at how half hearted the inspection was. If you have dozens or hundreds of boxes shipped daily I guess you would be a little 'casual' in your approach to inspecting. 

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11 minutes ago, planetary said:

Assuming the question of authenticity is mostly settled, the consensus from this group would be to remove the cardboard from the box, rather than keep it in contact with the tobacco, yes?

Hmm. Good Question. I don't think it will hurt anything. I've smoked cigars that have been in cardboard packs for 10 years and I could not discern any negative effects. Tobacco on tobacco contact is preferable for long term aging though. I wonder if anybody removes the cedar sheets with the hope of enhancing aging in dress boxes? Its not something I've really given any thought to until now. 

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