Damn this weather!

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The weather has been hotter than usual for this time of year in ireland, the last few days have been absolute scorchers!

My cabinet humidor has been sitting at 24C and 69%, i have never had a problem keeping temp and humidity at 18C/65% until now... Do many of you notice a severe jump in humidity when temp increases? Ive had to move my cigars into tupperware containers with boveda packs and move them to a cooler place in the house. Ive even taken my beads out of the humi and she is still sitting at 67!

And i thought irish weather would be perfect for aging cigars...

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I know right, we have our annual week of horribly humid, super hot SUmmer. Then it's back to drizzle for 51 weeks :D

It was 31c here yesterday, too hot to smoke! Cooled off at the night and had some nice cigar time but inside my humidor was at 24c even with all three windows in the room open. I carried it downstairs and put it in the garage, down to 13c after an hour phew! Going to live down here from now on.

Humidity hasn't shifted from 64% all week though

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I know what you mean mate. Its great to have this blast of sun but by god its too much for me and my cigars lol. This probably sounds odd to our FOH's from more exotic climates but i cant even sleep at night its so uncomortably warm!

The last time i experienced this heat was in cuba in november but air conditioning or a pool were never too far away.

Sadly my aristocrat cabinet is hooked up to the mains for the recirculation fans and moving such a nice piece of furniture down to the garage isnt really an option, my hallway however seems to be quite cool compared to the rest of the house so i might try down there.

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Summer weather definitely affects humidor climate. Like yourself I have a large cabinet humidor that I struggle to keep below 70% in the Humid Summer Months of this climate. House Central A/C helps the cause but i find myself paying much more attention to the settings this time of year. The circulation fan def helps me, but my humidor is glass on all 3 sides, so it seems to lose humidity more quickly in the winter time, and hold the humidy more than i would like in the summer. Oh well...

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It's the humidity I think, I love dry heat (Greece etc) but we just get this horrible armpity stuff heat! Make the most of it though I think this is our Summer, it did the exact same thing last year; naff spring then a blistering 10 days of heat then winter starts....

Yesterday at 30c it was unbearable with the humidity, I was sat outside with my feet in a bucket of cold water! When I'm in Cyprus or Rhodes at 45c it's fantastic, crisp dry heat and no humidity :daydream:

It wasn't too much hassel for me luckily as I've just got a 44ct wine fridge (never turn it on) so took my singles tray out then huffed and puffed my way down the stairs and through the house with it. I think it's staying there for a while now, bloody weighes a ton! It doesn't get past 2c in winter in there so should be ok :rotfl:

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YES!!! But I regularly suffer over-humidification. Guess I need to heed peoples' advice to get some bead(s) humidifiers...

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Lads, seriously, it's chuffing miserable here for 51 weeks a year, you can't really be complaining about our week of summer can you?

For a novelty, you can grab a cigar and a g and t, or a beer, and sit outside, watching bright red exposed flesh going by.....

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Its 42-43C here :) My humidor RH falls when the room temperature increases, once the ac cools down the temp, the humidity increases(thats what i have seen, i think). The RH remains between 60-65% mostly.

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