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Which do would you find more favorable to your cigars…storing your cigars in a “shared” humidor (with small dividers separating between the different cigar types) or storing cigars in their original boxes in a coolidor?

I have a ~150 CT “proper” humidor which suites my current needs, but am wondering if I am losing out on any of my cigars’ individuality by storing them in the same humi.

I know…This subject has been discussed many times…but I am wondering what you would recommend given the two options.


Hi David,

I like mine in boxes in my coolidors, however this is only my preference. I think if you maintain 65-70% RH & a temp. of 60-70 degrees it may not matter much how you do it. I think cigars may age a little better if they are left undisturbed in their original boxes for extended periods of time, but if your RH & temp are right, either way is a winner. I'm sure others will add more good advise to this topic.


I've only been smoking cigars for a little over two years now. I store cigars using both methods and honestly...I haven't noticed much if any difference.


I have recently moved from a large humidor to a wine cooler with boxes. I noticed that when stored together out of their boxes that my cigars all started to take on a very similar aroma profile pre-light, but mostly retained their flavour profiles when lit.

I'm a lot more happy now with the wine cooler being able to keep my cigars individual aromas.


Last year I switched from a large desktop to a large coolidor with all cigars stored in their boxes.

I've noticed that I am enjoying the flavor and condition of the cigars more.

I'm not sure having the sticks exposed lying next to each other in the desktop changes flavor for me that much as I didn't keep them together in the desktop for more than 1 year.

I think the coolidor is a much more stable environment, I have an easier time keeping humidity much more stable 64-65% all the time and I think not having them exposed everytime I open the cooler may help.

My desktop is not a very high quality humi, so that may also have something to do with it as well, but still that humi costs a lot more then a cooler. Haven't looked back.


storing the cigars in their original boxes provides a buffer against temp and humidity changes. Do an experiment with a wireless sensor in and out of the box and you will find that inside the box the humidity remains more constant. Consistency is the key.


I read a book once by Vahe Gerard (“Cigars”), and in it, the author speaks pretty badly against storing cigars in shared humidors, stating that the humidity is not uniform between upper and lower trays, and that scents and aromas are liable to get all mixed up.

He then goes on to “sell” his own creation, which is one of the reasons I disliked the book. His creation is basically a fiberglass glass box that allows for whole boxes to be stored. Much like the Coolidor, but extremely expensive.

In any case, keeping RH stable has been no problem at all, due to the humidity beads and good seal on my humi. I have no reason to assume it will be any different or harder in a collider.

From my own, limited, experience I can say that some Petit Edmundo’s I have in there from 2006, are completely different then what they were when I got them, about 3 years ago. Way smoother for sure, but it’s hard for me to tell if they are just smoother, or if they lost some of their personality.

Does Min Ron Nee say anything on the subject ? (I haven't been able to get my hands on this book yet)


I use a 28 bottles wine cooler for storing my boxes,I keep all the cigars in their original boxes.

I think its best to keep them together but I haven't tested to see if there's any difference.


As you know in the summer in here the TEMP is very high so you might want to consider some TEMP control.

I use a 28 bottles wine cooler for storing my boxes,I keep all the cigars in their original boxes.

I think its best to keep them together but I haven't tested to see if there's any difference.


As you know in the summer in here the TEMP is very high so you might want to consider some TEMP control.

Sounds like sound advice. I agree the temperature is an issue...a wine cooler would be the ideal solution to aim for. Now I just have to find a "deal" :D


I've experienced some extraordinary moments with a large variety of vitolas that have been migrated from Dress Boxes to my Desktop Humidor. Matter of fact it comprises a few of my most stellar cigar experiences. I don't unpack most of my cigars and the migration usually occurs when I get something out and change my mind, then I quickly throw it in the desktop humidor. A recent experience was from a discount 2001 Punch Double Corona, which most have been fairly average experiences. I planned on taking a half dozen to the beach with me over the 4th of July, but changed my mind because I didn't want to treat my companions and holiday with anything less than HQ perfection. I grabbed two of these over Christmas break and was rewarded with the most rich and favorable moment of clarity. I noticed that the shape had changed from the box press they were to a typical rounded SLB Cabinet character. One of things that I would like to believe is that their time away from the paper wrapping of dress box helped. And that an environment of cedar and mahogany tannins also assisted with this transformation. Please just except this as my opinion.

The desktop is fairly ordinary 150 count cedar box with custom mahogany trays. It is supplied only by the ambient room humidity of my Cellar. Which I believe room humidification is the most gentle and neutral form of moisture supply for a cigar collection and eliminates large fluctuations in internal cigar moisture.

Have I been this lucky over the years to pick some of the best of bunch to put in my desktop or has the desktop assisted with the development of these truly wonderful experiences? I am strong believer that a superb cigar experience is one third company, one third mood, and one third the ability of the cigar.


I have a Wine cooler with my boxes that are aging that are wrapped in Wax Paper (Serious long term aging). I also have 4 desktops for singles and what-not. However, I put the CC singles in individual zip lock bags to protect them from bumping one another.

I wouldn't get into wine coolers until you get the stock to fill it up. Just a tip.


I have a Wine cooler with my boxes that are aging that are wrapped in Wax Paper (Serious long term aging). I also have 4 desktops for singles and what-not. However, I put the CC singles in individual zip lock bags to protect them from bumping one another.

I wouldn't get into wine coolers until you get the stock to fill it up. Just a tip.

Hello, wax paper ?


Although I'm pretty new to Habanos, I've been using "Tupperdors" (huge plastic bins) for my cigars for 3 years now. I keep the cigars predominantly in empty cigar boxes (sometimes open plastic bags). Feel free to disagree here, but I think I may be seeing my cigars aging faster this way. It sort of makes sense ... by storing the cigars in a traditional humidor, the humidification device is keeping the cigars humidified because the cedar humidor is porous. In a closed cooler/tupperware bin/walk-in humidor, the cedar boxes absorb the humidity and the cigars are humidified more via those boxes. I have a couple traditional humidors as well, and they certainly keep the cigars just fine.

I don't know, maybe I'm nuts. But it seems to me that my cigars are aging very nicely and picking up more cedar. Plus I like looking at all the boxes. I'm happy with it anyway :)


I have an aristocrat , with boxes and single cigars with dividers.

I notice the difference of singles versus boxes for me, I prefer box storage. It seems the flavor is better for me, my opinion, for box storage.


Which do would you find more favorable to your cigars…storing your cigars in a “shared” humidor (with small dividers separating between the different cigar types) or storing cigars in their original boxes in a coolidor?

I have a ~150 CT “proper” humidor which suites my current needs, but am wondering if I am losing out on any of my cigars’ individuality by storing them in the same humi.

I know…This subject has been discussed many times…but I am wondering what you would recommend given the two options.

I personally have a 50 bottle wine fridge I converted & a few desktops . I did read a few years ago about storing different cigars together is a no no . In my fridge I keep both box & individual cigars . I leave my boxes open just a little bit to get some air movement , but with my sticks I keep them in the cello for the protection from the humi. & handling of them . My lg. unit (150) ct. that I use for aging all my premo's , I keep them separated . My other humidor is for ready smokes , I also keep them apart . It's true they will pick up a cedary taste if you over do it w/to much board feet of cedar . Just keep rotating

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