Any pipe smokers here?

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I'm curious how many of the Habanos enthusiasts here will, from time to time, take up a pipe (tobacco, not crack)? For my part as the weather turns cold I will reduce cigar consumption from, say 8-10 per week, to maybe 4-5 or so with a subsequent increase in the number of pipes I smoke (from basically zero in the summer to 4 or 5 a week). Pipe smoking is sort of its own world and not one I wade deeply into, but I do like a nice robust English blend on a cold rainy November day in New England.

Of course, comparing pipe tobacco to cigars is futile in my opinion. The flavour profile is totally different. If I had to give up one or the other, the pipe would surely be no more.

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I actually was only smoking a pipe all through my undergraduate and into my graduate days at University ---till one evening where after an all nighter spent finishing off a major project and having that pipe going for many hours (mainly a Turkish Latakia blend like Balkan Sobraine or something very close)- I leaned back and got a mouth full of 'goo' that made me ill for the next few days.... It took a long time till I even tried a pipe again...and when I did...the magic was gone....

I've happily been smoking only cigars since that time....

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I actually was only smoking a pipe all through my undergraduate and into my graduate days at University ---till one evening where after an all nighter spent finishing off a major project and having that pipe going for many hours (mainly a Turkish Latakia blend like Balkan Sobraine or something very close)- I leaned back and got a mouth full of 'goo' that made me ill for the next few days.... It took a long time till I even tried a pipe again...and when I did...the magic was gone....

I've happily been smoking only cigars since that time....

Ah man, I know just what you are talking about. I was smoking a bowl of full virginia flake with my brother and suddenly some awful tasting liquid crept up the stem into my mouth. BLEH. It hasn't turned me off to pipes; I just use a balsa wood filter now.

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Ah man, I know just what you are talking about. I was smoking a bowl of full virginia flake with my brother and suddenly some awful tasting liquid crept up the stem into my mouth. BLEH. It hasn't turned me off to pipes; I just use a balsa wood filter now.

That aspect does take a bit of management; a good pipe cleaner handy and preferably a pipe with some slope in the stem to let gravity help you. As I said, I definitely prefer cigars, but there's something comtemplative about pipe smoking.

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I used to have a pretty nice Saudi, solid-gold water pipe (narghile) acquired during a 6-month trip to Riyadh 25 years ago (obtained a visa thru my father, who was employed by the Royals as an electrical engineer for the development of telecom infrastructures). Don't care much about "Western" pipes. It's about the only good thing I brought back from this morally retarded land. Unfortunately, I lost it - one of my most prized possesions - in a fire 5 years ago and replaced it with a cheaper version.

In my younger days, I used to smoke - and inhale - everything with that rig.... I mean everything.

Today, once in a quite long while, I also like to stuff my new narghile with a good English or Turkish blend. Very different ritual and experience than cigar smoking, which for some reason I find "cleaner", more refined and complex that simply fire up a bunch of simply shredded tobacco.

I wonder: is is anathema to consider finish off the nub of a finger-burner in a pipe of any sort? It woud simply prolong the fun and eliminate waste to a certain extent. A water pipe would also, I guess, eliminate much of that harshness concentrating in the last thid. :cigar:

Thanks for your input and sharing of experience, gents and mates! :)


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I used to smoke a pipe regularly but since finding Cuban cigars it's a little hard to go back.

A few weeks ago I was enjoying a cigar so much I didn't want to let it just die out when it got too short to hold, I chopped it up and put it in a pipe.

I still have my pipe collection, I like the look of them.


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I used to have a pretty nice Saudi, solid-gold water pipe (narghile) acquired during a 6-month trip to Riyadh 25 years ago (obtained a visa thru my father, who was employed by the Royals as an electrical engineer for the development of telecom infrastructures). Don't care much about "Western" pipes. It's about the only good thing I brought back from this morally retarded land. Unfortunately, I lost it - one of my most prized possesions - in a fire 5 years ago and replaced it with a cheaper version.

In my younger days, I used to smoke - and inhale - everything with that rig.... I mean everything.

Today, once in a quite long while, I also like to stuff my new narghile with a good English or Turkish blend. Very different ritual and experience than cigar smoking, which for some reason I find "cleaner", more refined and complex that simply fire up a bunch of simply shredded tobacco.

I wonder: is is anathema to consider finish off the nub of a finger-burner in a pipe of any sort? It woud simply prolong the fun and eliminate waste to a certain extent. A water pipe would also, I guess, eliminate much of that harshness concentrating in the last thid. :cigar:

Thanks for your input and sharing of experience, gents and mates! :)


I read somewhere that Winston Churchill's domestic staff would collect up his Habanos stubs so that one of his gardiners could cut them up and put them in his (the gardiner's) pipe.

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I'm a novice pipe smoker, having smoked them for a little over a year. I mostly smoke my pipes in the colder months, because I'm allowed to smoke them inside.

I tend to enjoy English and Balken blends the most. 2 of my favorites are Dunhill Early Morning Pipe and Night Cap.

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I'm a novice pipe smoker, having smoked them for a little over a year. I mostly smoke my pipes in the colder months, because I'm allowed to smoke them inside.

I tend to enjoy English and Balken blends the most. 2 of my favorites are Dunhill Early Morning Pipe and Night Cap.

If you like those, I'd recommend you try G.L. Pease's Westminster blend. Very well put together.

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If you like those, I'd recommend you try G.L. Pease's Westminster blend. Very well put together.

Thanks for the suggestion. I like Pease's Key Largo blend, but have not tried Westminster.

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