Punch Petit Corona FEB 07 VS Punch Royal Seleccion 12 DIC 06

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» El Prez -


» Notwithstanding the performance of this particular Punch Petit Corona, how

» does the typical Punch Petit Corona measure up to the RS#12?


» Evo

Evo I think the 2006 and 2007 Punch Petit Corona measure up very well. There is a real similarity between the two but PPC has a touch more creamy sweetness and the RS12 more charry strength.

Two excellent Petit Corona's.

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Punch Petit Corona FEB 07 VS Punch Royal Seleccion No 12 DIC 06

Two of my favourite Petit Corona's going head to head on a Friday lunchtime. Opened a bottle of Tin Shed Melting Pot Shiraz, logged into the Poker room and selected the Punch Petit Corona FEB 07 to do battle.

Good looking cigar, well constructed with minimal aroma at cold. The wrapper is a little nondescript and a tad dry. Clipped the cap to find a good draw and clean tobacco flavours. Looked around the Poker room to fined the regulars and my arch nemesis Greenpimp. I fired up the cigar as the first hand was dealt. Disturbing papery flavour at the outset, mild to medium bodied. Not a great start but before long the body kicked into medium and the papery flavours left to be replaced by pure rich tobacco with a spiced cream edge. I love this profile in the Punch Petit Corona. All was going well in the poker after a few nice wins and sitting just off the chip leader....all going well until that fluky bastard Pimp takes me for $700 when I was holding a full house of Jacks over 7's :-|





This Punch Petit Corona is not as full as I like or have come to expect in this cigar. It is good sure....but lacking some of the darker charred woody recesses which it needs to offset the creamy spiciness.

Holding a King, Seven. King drops in the flop with bugger all else. Bet $150...most fold excluding Pimp. I have to cook the Friday staff BBQ so I raise 150. Pimp follows. 4th card falls (Queen from memory) and it helps no one as far as I can see. Raise $150. The river is a King. Holding three Kings I go all in.

Pimp is holding pocket queens....Full house Queens over Kings. BASTARD! :lol:

By this stage I was at the end of my tether as well as my Punch Petit Corona and Lisa tells me she's hungry. This is code for "pull your finger out".

The Punch Petit Corona was below its best based on my numerous tastings. It lacked serious grunt through its normal charred wood base. This made it a one dimensional cigar. Still enjoyable but not up to its normal standard.


Punch Royal Seleccion No 12 DIC 06

Cleaned down the BBQ and went down to peel the onions and prepare the steaks and Sausages(Grass fed Rib on bone

+ Italian sausages).

Back to the deck and the grill plates were nice and hot. Plenty of olive oil, touch of sea salt and on go the onions and snags.

Darker wrapper to the RS12. Spicier, punchier aroma at cold. Construction very good.Clipped the cap and the draw was exemplary with deep tobacco flavour and a touch of black pepper on the lips.

Poured another glass of red (very jammy shiraz) and fired up the RS12. Right from the get go it is well above medium body with excellent burn't cedar notes and a hint of malice. Develops qiuckly...smooth yet with substance. A couple of draws through the nose elicits a nice pepper bite. Hint of brown sugar on the tongue.





Thoroughly enjoying this cigar. Everything is sizzling and the caramelized onion aroma drifts down the street. The cigar is holding its flavour profile nicely. Good level of smoke which washes over the tongue and delivers pure rich Punch flavours. Touch of charcoal now which grabs the mild edgy sweetness by the hand and takes it for a twirl.

I have always foud the Royal Seleccion No 12 to have a fuller body than the Punch Petit Corona but only just. The Royal Seleccion No 12 is a cigar which doesn't normally have the sweet edge which I am finding here but I am not complaining. Pure tobacco in spades, just that hint of carnation milk which delights.

BBQ now cooked. Simon brings up the white wine for the ladies...the ladies bring the plates, salad and couscous.

Nice way to end the week :-)




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