SLR DC '05

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The ongoing '07 SLR DC evolution experiment and commentary reminded me I still have a number of

'05s, and I thought I might give another a try.

In the past, I've found these to be fairly mundane, and now two years later, things haven't changed.

A bit of white bean, black pepper, a tinge of citrus, a cardboard finish. Overall, rather generic and a bit dirty.

So, if there is a point to this post, it's that I've come to believe that what a cigar shows early on

is a good indication of what it will show later on.

I fully understand that many cigars evolve and develop with maturity, but normally, these cigars show

something early on. They may not be flavor bombs, they might be very tannic, or powerful, show great

depth, even be very green or herbal - something.

On the other hand, I feel that a cigar which early on shows nothing, is arid, papery, cardboard with a

little pepper, stands little chance of blossoming into anything worthwhile.

Nothing groundbreaking, I know.

And so back to the '05 SLR DC . I've all but given up trying to interpret how a cigar may develop, but

I'm resigned to feeling these won't. At least the '07 showed something.

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that is both disappoining and worying. i'd pull out one of my own but they are miles away in deep storage. from memory, i certainly was enjoying them as well. from memory again, the 03 and 04s might not have been as exciting but even they were good. i'm starting to think that afer the brilliant 01's, these might be a lot more variable than i ever suspected. the reports are too much all over the place and i don' think they are the sort that divides on flavours alone. one to watch for down the track. i have been quite stunned by first, the reports in the potential experiment, and secondly, tasting my cigar for it. expected sooooo much better.

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I think what I find disturbing or worrisome is, as you've pointed out, what seems to be a lack of blend

consistency with regards to what this cigar represents, and maybe to a lesser extent,

quality of construction of these '07 SLR DCs.

Like them or not, these could arguably be considered the flagship of Habanos. If care isn't given

in their creation, what should we expect of other cigars? I guess we should expect plenty in this

day and age, but the truth is in the smoking.

Add to the equation the proliferation of REs and reintroduction of ELs, it seems as though a standard

of quality should have been reached by this time...... (possibly overdramatic here)

Well see how this pans out. The '07s could turn out to be, as you guys like to say, crackers.

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The 01s are great & the batch of 07s I have are pretty darn good. 02s are pretty good, but IMHO, 04, 05 & 06 are just OK. In a cigar that size, I need something more to keep my attention.

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Well put Bassman. I felt that the 07 was OK...but when you find the time for a couple hours of smoking a cigar...there just needs to be more there to make it worth the time. I would love to smoke one of these that are excellent to get a baseline of what they SHOULD be.

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» In a cigar that size, I need something more to keep my attention.

Agree as well, though truth be told, I probably feel that way about all sizes.

I have a number of 05s left, but probably won't try another until next year.

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» » In a cigar that size, I need something more to keep my attention.


» Agree as well, though truth be told, I probably feel that way about all

» sizes.

» I have a number of 05s left, but probably won't try another until next

» year.

Colt it is just not fair that you haven't had a great SLRDC :crying:

Ken...shoot him one of your 2001's ;-)

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» » » In a cigar that size, I need something more to keep my attention.

» »

» » Agree as well, though truth be told, I probably feel that way about all

» » sizes.

» » I have a number of 05s left, but probably won't try another until next

» » year.


» Colt it is just not fair that you haven't had a great SLRDC :crying:


» Ken...shoot him one of your 2001's ;-)

you mean shoot him my very last, only-one-remaining, never-to-be-sen-again final slr dc from 2001? not a problem.

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» » Ken...shoot him one of your 2001's ;-)



» you mean shoot him my very last, only-one-remaining, never-to-be-sen-again

» final slr dc from 2001? not a problem.

To be honest, I was a little nervous about the whole "shoot him" thing, until I remembered you guys

handed in your guns like a certain nation during wartime......

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» » » Ken...shoot him one of your 2001's ;-)

» »

» »

» » you mean shoot him my very last, only-one-remaining,

» never-to-be-sen-again

» » final slr dc from 2001? not a problem.


» To be honest, I was a little nervous about the whole "shoot him" thing,

» until I remembered you guys

» handed in your guns like a certain nation during wartime......

nice comment. at least we turn up on time for wars, not wait a few years to see how they are going. or take our bat and ball home and start our own.

it is, of course, a far better idea that your founders had - the constitutional right of everyone with an IQ below 40 to carry uzi's!

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» nice comment. at least we turn up on time for wars, not wait a few years

» to see how they are going. or take our bat and ball home and start our

» own.

» it is, of course, a far better idea that your founders had - the

» constitutional right of everyone with an IQ below 40 to carry uzi's!

haut les mains!

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