Cuba to allow mobile phones

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Cuba to allow mobile phones

FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2008

Under Fidel Castro few people were permitted

access to mobile phones [EPA]

Cuba's goverment is to permit the unrestricted use of mobile telephones for the first time.

The Cuban telecommunications monopoly ETECSA said it would begin a mobile phone service for the general public in the next few days, according to a statement in the official Communist Party newspaper Granma on Friday.

The move is the latest step by Raul Castro, Cuba's president, to improve ordinary people's access to consumer goods since he took over power from his ill brother Fidel in February.

Mobile phones were previously only allowed for people working for foreign firms or in key Cuban government posts.

Some Cubans have reportedly managed to obtain phones by having foreigners sign contracts in their names, however their usage remains uncommon in Cuba.

But the new phone service may prove too expensive for many Cubans.

ETECSA said it would permit the public to sign pre-paid contracts in Cuban convertible pesos, which are worth 24 times the regular pesos that Cuban state employees are paid in.

It also said the new service would be used to fund development of Cuba's telecommunications systems and land line telephone services.

A few weeks ago Raul Castro lifted the ban on many electrical appliances, including DVD players and computers.

Cuba's government controls well over 90 per cent of the economy, and it ensures that most Cubans have free housing, education and health care and receive ration cards that cover basic food needs.

The average monthly state salary is just 408 Cuban pesos, a little less than $20.

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jimmy, half the girls there have already got them and the other half want you to buy them one. i suspect it is a lot more prevalent than people think.

i see that cubans will now be allowed into hotels previously restricted to foreigners. good step.

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» » jimmy, half the girls there have already got them and the other half

» want

» » you to buy them one.


» Hey, it's gotta be easier than buying them a refrigerator......

is that you, CHRIS? do i need to hit the delete/edit button again?

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» » » jimmy, half the girls there have already got them and the other half

» » want

» » » you to buy them one.

» »

» » Hey, it's gotta be easier than buying them a refrigerator......


» is that you, CHRIS? do i need to hit the delete/edit button again?

I think it's pretty obvious that someone needs a bigger cowboy hat.

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» I think it's pretty obvious that someone needs a bigger cowboy hat.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I don't know Colt....I sleep better knowing that Ken all dressed up in his Howdy Doody outfit is looking after the forum :-D

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» I don't know Colt....I sleep better knowing that Ken all dressed up in his

» Howdy Doody outfit is looking after the forum :-D

Yes, but all the empty wine bottles clanking around at his feet do worry me just a little.

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