Apologies on laundry...

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How cruel! George is the Decider,Mr. Smirk,the head jerk,the town drunk,the heretical Christian, the type of man Christ had to die for.

H ereminds me of the dumb circus clown who never is able to get back into that tiny little car.

Love the label!:-D

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  • 7 months later...

These laundry labels on products from an american company always makes me smile... :-)

They can be seen on products sold on the french market.


Translated to English, the phrase on the bottom of the label reads: "We are sorry that our President is an idiot. We did not vote for him."

Don´t know what president they refer to, atleast I know it´s not ours of FOH...

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» These laundry labels on products from an american company always makes me

» smile... :-)

» They can be seen on products sold on the french market.


» image5974.jpg


» Translated to English, the phrase on the bottom of the label reads: "We

» are sorry that our President is an idiot. We did not vote for him."




» Don´t know what president they refer to, atleast I know it´s not ours of

» FOH...

LOL! i have to know which clothing label is doing that! that's hilarious!!

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