some more chile fishing photos

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  • 7 months later...



the gang at lunch



not a bad back drop to fishing


i take great pride in this fly. i asked our guide its name. it didn't have one. we were nearing the end of the day and he said that if i caught a three pound brown before stumps (or the chilean equivalent), he'd name it after me. a few minutes later, one of the few decent browns to come our way, sacrificed itself and that is now the 'kenfly'.


more soon


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post fishing drinks and cigars at the lodge.


one section of the boat requires a bit more care in launching the boats.image5931.jpg



what your exhorbitant cigar money goes to. the prez, deep in thought, on the river. image5933.jpg

taking a break after yet another tough morning. des and myself.


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» what your exhorbitant cigar money goes to. the prez, deep in thought, on

» the river. image5933.jpg

With you casting from the front there is little else to do than to sit back, have a cigar and try and keep both eyes intact.

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» » what your exhorbitant cigar money goes to. the prez, deep in thought, on

» » the river. image5933.jpg


» With you casting from the front there is little else to do than to sit

» back, have a cigar and try and keep both eyes intact.

what you mean is that with your diabolical backcast, you were wasting your time even trying with all those rocks behind you.

just had an email from a mate in nz who took himself backcountry for easter and got more than 30 trout up to 9lbs, on dry.

i seriously need to go fishing again.

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