Newbie Questions

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Hi Everyone!

This is certainly a strange interface and the "FAQ" does not help much so I'll ask a couple of questions if I may.

Is there a sort function for the forums?

The threads seem to be in some kind of random order with dates all

over the place. Can the threads be displayed "most recent first"?

I'm not an online buyer but are there any restrictions on discussions of sources and prices?


Commander Bob

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If you look at the green bar running horizontally across the screen (just below the FOH Churchill logo) you will see a drop down menu where you can choose to display individual forums.

Threads are arranged according to the date/time of their last post (most recent up the top).

Sources and prices are not discussed.

Hope this helps mate.

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Welcome to FOH. As JMH has already posted, you can use the pull down to filter the various sections

of the forum. You can also click on each column header (subject, category, author, date, last reply) to

change the view. You can also change to thread view.

Personally, I find this one of the easiest reading forums I've seen. I like the fact that it is not like

many of the other forums out there. There is however a format change in the works, which more than

likely will more closely mimic other forums. We shall see.

Also, give the pinned discussion forum rules thread a read - it should answer a few of your questions.

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» There is however a format change in

» the works, which more than

» likely will more closely mimic other forums. We shall see.

I hope not :-( I like the unique layout of FOH!

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» I hope not :-( I like the unique layout of FOH!

I agree, but alas, it seems as though we may be giving in to conformity - perhaps the pressures of

maintaining a level of individuality are just too great.

There's talk the logo will also be changing fron the "reverse victory" sign to the both hands over head

sign of surrender.

But I may have misinterpreted.....

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