Time with Hamlet. General discussions.

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I had a chance to sit down with Hamlet over a couple of nights at our house where we enjoyed some of his customs and a few bottles of red wine. He is off the rum and beer and has dropped a hell of a lot of weight on his new diet of red wine and cigars ;-)

We discussed various topics but I was interested in his views of current tobacco quality, his preference in cigars and his personal blending theory.

For those that do not know, Hamlet started his career not as a torcedor but rather as a quality inspector within the Romeo y Julieta factory. His role was to inspect cigars made by the torcedors on the factory floor and this is where he honed his appreciation of what constitutes a perfectly rolled cigar which can be seen today in what he rolls personally.

The torcedors on the factory floor would give him grief when he picked them up for poor quality cigars on the basis that he was not a roller so he could take his opinion and put it where the sun didn't shine. Hamlet being Hamlet rectified the credibility problem by starting from the bottom as a new cigar roller and quickly worked himself to a level 9 roller. He entered a rolling competition in 2001 amongst Havana's top 8 rollers which was judged by Don Alejandro Robaina. He won. He learn't fluent english in a year and did his first overseas tour in 2003 from memory. Today he rolls for Princes and Kings around the world. He is no dummy, he is now learning Mandarin.

Hamlet now also chooses his own tobacco leaf...wrapper, ligero, seco, volado which is a rareity even amongst the better rollers. He is a quality freak and an opinionated one at that.

Hamlet generally smokes his own cigars. He dislikes anything under a 50 ring gauge which has always been a point of contention and much debate between us. The one time he questioned his own perspective was when I handed him a 1998 Partagas Serie de Connoisseur No 3 at our house last year to try. "I am not smoking this you *** MFKR!"

"Just put your machismo in check and light the bloody thing!"

After checking to see if there was anything else....(there wasn't)...he did and he still regards it as the only small guage cigar he has ever thoroughly enjoyed. He was amazed at its complexity and strength which even as a master roller....he didn't think possible to achieve in such a small format.

On the final night in Havana he and his wife accompanied myself, Ken and the boys to a final dinner at La Casa paladar where he handed me an unbanded corona. I looked at it...took in the aroma at cold and pronounced it as a Partagas Corona 2002 Cabinet. He was blown away, stood up and gave me a high 5 and pronounced that I was indeed the master. The fool forgot he told me the night prior (when drunk) that he was going to give me some Partagas Corona 2002 as he knew I would appreciate it.....I never told him :-D

As alays over the week we discussed many things. His take on the quality of tobacco currently available is the best he has seen particularly Ligero, Seco, Volado. The quality allows him to blend true without having to compensate one leaf (say poor Volado) with additional Seco.

He does not roll blockbuster in your face blends. He detests outright strong cigars. He seeks medium body in the opening 1/2 to 2/3rds followed by a burst of intensity. He does this by changing the blend in the final section of the cigar by an increase in Ligero. When choosing his tobacco he seeks leaf from specific regions which he believes delivers the complexity and profile he seeks. This has not always been the case (last 12 months) as prior he had little input on leaf procurement for what he rolled outside that it was the best available to R&J. I know that all the boys agreed that the Customs we shared with Hamlet this year were perhaps the finest Cuban cigars we have smoked and the best he has ever produced.

It is always a pleasure to spend time with him because of his undying passion for the leaf and the art of the cigar. He was intrigued with our Yasmel experiments where we smoked cigars made solely of Ligero, Seco, Volado, double wrappers and a blend of each. He does it himself to determine the characters each brings when determining his blend. I will post later today some of the gems he has rolled.

Hamlet is a young man going places. I can see in years to come an individual heading a company producing some of the finest cigars in the world. Pray the situation changes to allow him the opportunity. What I admire most about him is his humour, humilty and drive to succeed. He remembers where he came from, the people who helped him and exactly where he wants to go.

Now if I can only get him to consistently roll me some custom small guage cigars ;-)

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Very nice Rob! I'm sure it is an absolute treat to hang around one of the masters of the art of rolling a fine Cuban cigar. I hope to one day accompany you guys to Havana(if you'll have me) and meet Hamlet for myself....and smoke some of his top notch cigars. So tell me, did he roll you any smaller ring cigars? It seems most custom rolled cigars are BIG. I would love to get a bundle of Hamlet marevas.

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A terrific read - thanks for taking the time. This in particular caught my eye:

» Hamlet is a young man going places. I can see in years to come an

» individual heading a company producing some of the finest cigars in the

» world.

If the grand scheme were to change, would you envision him as a head at HSA, or having his

own private company producing a distinct line of Havana cigars? (i understand hypothetical at this point)

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Very nice read for there is something about excellence in anything that creates a detailed and memorable picture with little effort. Such thoughts are also inviting in such a universal way that the interested reader wants to join you at the kitchen table for a great cigar and glass of wine, and would feel completely at home in the process. You and Hamlet’s dedication, while rare, is not unheard of in today’s busy world…but it is always surprising and delightful.


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:lol2: I don't see Hamlet as Habanos s.a material. Hard to see him chairing a meeting with Imperial Tobacco and starting "Well....how are all you MFKRS today".

More in the mould of a successfull privateer ala a small scale boutique Padron/Fuente. He would have no problem putting together the right people within Cuba and outside Cuba to handle production, distribution, marketing and financing. It is all hypothetical and a pipedream at this point but I respect those who have a dream and who work hard to achieve it particularly under circumstances which would crush the aspirations of the average soul.

You will often find him in the R&J Divan wearing his FOH cap which his wife tells me hangs on his bedroom wall when not on his head. You can only get Hamlet Customs from Hamlet at the R&J Divan. If any members are heading to Havana and wish to pick up some customs from him, just shoot me an e-mail with 3-4 weeks notice and I can arrange it (assuming he is in Havana and not on tour...he tours overseas three months a year normally July-October).

He has rolled me small format cigars in the past. He HATES DOING IT and I suspect he sees it as a challenge akin to the theory that "I know he is ***....if only I could get him to sleep with a woman....he would change"

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» :lol2: I don't see Hamlet as Habanos s.a material. Hard to see him chairing

» a meeting with Imperial Tobacco and starting "Well....how are all you MFKRS

» today".


» More in the mould of a successfull privateer ala a small scale boutique

» Padron/Fuente.

I wish him the best, and hope it can happen for him sooner, rather than later.

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Thanks for the info Rob. I am trying to devise a scheme right now to get a few bundles. One of my best plans is to call a few of my model friends from Victorias Secret and having them loan me the Angel wings they wear on the runway. I will strap them on and make like an eagle. :-|

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I've been fortunate to spend many hours with Hamlet at RyJ, Nacional, El Aljibe, Los Nardos, other paladars, our house, etc. Me and my friends thoroughly enjoy his company, humor and friendship.

I hope he's there April 11-14 as I will be in town. Do you have any idea of his schedule?

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» Rob,


» I've been fortunate to spend many hours with Hamlet at RyJ, Nacional, El

» Aljibe, Los Nardos, other paladars, our house, etc. Me and my friends

» thoroughly enjoy his company, humor and friendship.


» I hope he's there April 11-14 as I will be in town. Do you have any idea

» of his schedule?

He was choosing his assignment when we left a little over a week ago (he gets to choose these days). I am not sure if he finalized his decision but he will be there in April as far as I know.

Do me a favour...take with you some light and low sugar saches (or equivalent)....and three or four super thin guage cigars. Tell Porky that he can't lose weight adding 100 teaspoons of sugar a week to his coffee....and to try a real cigar ;-)

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» He was choosing his assignment when we left a little over a week ago (he

» gets to choose these days). I am not sure if he finalized his decision but

» he will be there in April as far as I know.


» Do me a favour...take with you some light and low sugar saches (or

» equivalent)....and three or four super thin guage cigars. Tell Porky that

» he can't lose weight adding 100 teaspoons of sugar a week to his

» coffee....and to try a real cigar ;-)

Oh priceless. He's always busting my balls about losing weight. He may weigh more than me, this will be fun:surprised: :lol:

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» Hey Pres,


» Great stuff! I'll be in Havana for the first time this April 22-29 and

» would love to stop by and meet him. Any possibility of that?

Sure. When you arrive in Havana call the R&J Divan on 7 870 4797. Just make sure he is in that day or find out when he is in. Catch up with him the first day or so and put in an order with him for a few customs. Wear your FOH cap which he will recognise immediately, let him know you know myself and Ken. Go out to the back room and enjoy a rum and a cigar with him. It is always a highlight.

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Wear your FOH cap which he will recognise immediately, let him know you know

» myself and Ken. Go out to the back room and enjoy a rum and a cigar with

» him. It is always a highlight.

Awesome! Thanks Pres, I'll do it for sure. Will let you know if we get a chance to connect. I'm planning a couple days in the tobacco fields of the Pinar del Rio area. Plan to hit the Partagas Factory and the new Upman. Any "don't miss" things I should see?

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»...One of my best plans is to call a few of my model friends from Victorias Secret...

Whilst you're asking them your favour CigarHead, I've got a favour (actually I can think of a few things) of my own that perhaps you could relate...

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» Awesome! Thanks Pres, I'll do it for sure. Will let you know if we get a

» chance to connect. I'm planning a couple days in the tobacco fields of the

» Pinar del Rio area. Plan to hit the Partagas Factory and the new Upman. Any

» "don't miss" things I should see?

Overnight in Vinales and see the tobacco fields. Don't overnight in Pinar Del Rio.

Upmann requires special permission but Partagas is fine.

If this is your first time to Havana you could do a lot worse than to contact Toby Brocklehurst who runs specialist tours in Cuba including a tailored Cigar tour. Here is a sample http://travel.incloud9.com/itinerary.php?itin_id=89

He can tailor what you need. It is not always easy to arrange transport to fields and private factory tours.

You can e-mail Toby at [email protected] Let him know I referred you.

Towards the end of March e-mail me and I will give you a list of the better restaurants/Palladars/night clubs/jazz bars/do's and don'ts.

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» If this is your first time to Havana you could do a lot worse than to

» contact Toby Brocklehurst who runs specialist tours in Cuba including a

» tailored Cigar tour. Here is a sample

» http://travel.incloud9.com/itinerary.php?itin_id=89


» He can tailor what you need. It is not always easy to arrange transport to

» fields and private factory tours.


» You can e-mail Toby at [email protected] Let him know I referred you.


Toby is the best bet.

From my limited experience - Los Jazmines hotel is a great place in Vinales - sitting at the pool, overlooking the fields, with a mojito and Cigar is pretty close to heaven.

Also try get to a disco / nightclub in a cave - called Palinque I think.

They never close.

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