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» colt, is he paying you to bring up all this ancient history?

His Majesty's friendship is all the payment I need, Mr. Cynical.

** Newer members please take note - see how our esteemed Mr. Gargett has taken an innocent thread,

and twisted it into something vindictive

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» » colt, is he paying you to bring up all this ancient history?


» His Majesty's friendship is all the payment I need, Mr. Cynical.


» ** Newer members please take note - see how our esteemed Mr. Gargett has

» taken an innocent thread,

» and twisted it into something vindictive

no seriously. how much?

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» » » no seriously. how much?

» »

» » your allotment of '08 SLR DC



» now, if there was true friendship involved, and feel free to call me the

» cynic, wouldn't you have your own allocation?

I still get mine, plus yours (which you will still be charged for) as a token of friendship.

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» » » » no seriously. how much?

» » »

» » » your allotment of '08 SLR DC

» »

» »

» » now, if there was true friendship involved, and feel free to call me

» the

» » cynic, wouldn't you have your own allocation?


» I still get mine, plus yours (which you will still be charged for) as a

» token of friendship.

now whom among us do you think has the really incriminating photos?

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» » now whom among us do you think has the really incriminating photos?


» Well, I don't know, but the prince of darkness recently posted something

» to the effect of

» "he doesn't have the guts to post any photos - git"

not even that dill is so stupid. can you refer me?

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» » » Abuse? I'm hurt......

» »

» » Sorry mate I meant character descriptions


» So, you're saying my "character descriptions" have been correct these past

» years?

Of Ken yes, of me abuse!!:-P

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» » » » Abuse? I'm hurt......

» » »

» » » Sorry mate I meant character descriptions

» »

» » So, you're saying my "character descriptions" have been correct these

» past

» » years?


» Of Ken yes, of me abuse!!:-P

smithy, it cuts deeply. you sit up there on *** island and cast aspertions. cruel.

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» smithy, it cuts deeply. you sit up there on *** island and cast

» aspertions. cruel.

It does seem like Smithy only comes around to stir up the pot anymore.

But now that I think of it, he was kind of always like that anyway......

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» » smithy, it cuts deeply. you sit up there on *** island and cast

» » aspertions. cruel.


» It does seem like Smithy only comes around to stir up the pot anymore.

» But now that I think of it, he was kind of always like that anyway......

I had a business to run with Lisa, while Rob and you lot just had your fun on the forum

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» » » smithy, it cuts deeply. you sit up there on *** island and cast

» » » aspertions. cruel.

» »

» » It does seem like Smithy only comes around to stir up the pot anymore.

» » But now that I think of it, he was kind of always like that

» anyway......


» I had a business to run with Lisa, while Rob and you lot just had your fun

» on the forum

:lol2: and this all started with Thomas simply posting a pic of his hat :lol2:

I do hope you'll be around on a more regular basis :-)

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