Bolivar Gold Medal LSO JUL 07

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This here is a review of a BGM that I smoked last night. It is from a box stamped LSO JUL 07. Obviously this is a pretty fresh cigar, and the last one I had from a split, having given away 3 and smoked only 1 previous to this.


I wanted to dry box this, but the opportunity arrised last night to smoke this cigar as the temp was pretty nice and I had the time.


All of these pictures were taken with my crappy camera phone, so sorry for the fuzziness.

The contruction was a little spotty. The wrapper was smooth and flawless, and the cap was perfectly applied, but there were several hard spot present. This was the same with the other one that I smoked, and it had a pretty tight draw and I feared this one would as well. Having had that in the previous experience I wanted to make sure I dry boxed it but unforutnately I didn't.

The cigar smelled great, and the prelight flavor was nothing special.

I clipped the head with my palio and my my fears were true, the draw was tight. At this point I should have left in the dry box and grabbed something else, but I didn't.


The initial puffs and first 3rd provided great twangy flavors, exactly what I was hoping for. But the draw was tight and it was hard to get some smoke. There was some nice spice present as well


I persisted through the draw problems and entered the second 3rd of the cigar. The twang was still present and the spice kind of died off.

As I was smoking I would gently message the cigar to try and loosen up the hard spots and fix the draw, but only a minor change was detectable.


Going into the last 3rd, I picked up the cigar from the Stinky to find it went out. This was dissapointing, but I got over it. The twang kind of gave way to some strength and the start of a little bitterness. After giving the cigar a purge the flavors seemed to smooth out a little.


At this point there was almost a sting being left in my mouth, not pepper, but something I want to describe as 9v batteryish if that makes sense. If you have ever put a 9v battery to your tongue and felt that tingle and the following feel in the mouth, that is what it reminded me of. So this was pretty much the point at which I said "not enjoyable at all anymore" and desided to put it down.


This is a hard thing to do because momma always told me to finish was I started, but it had to be done.

I know that these are good cigars, I just think it can be chalked up to being young and probably a little moist.

I have another full box with the same date and have put it down for deep sleep and I am expecting to see improvements. The first 2 that I've tried have left me less than satisfied, but I'm hoping for the future.

So based on this experience I can't rate it very highly, and I think the 6 point score maybe easier so I will say 2/6.

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» At this point there was almost a sting being left in my mouth, not pepper,

» but something I want to describe as 9v batteryish if that makes sense. If

» you have ever put a 9v battery to your tongue and felt that tingle and the

» following feel in the mouth, that is what it reminded me of.



» I just think it can be chalked up to being young and probably a little moist.

Unfortunate, but I think you've hit it on the head - sounds young and damp.

The "battery sharpness" definitely sounds like youth.

Thanks for posting.

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I agree. Too young. I have both URO JUL07 and POS DIC06 and I do not intend on smoking any of these for years! :sleeping:

Oh, I am getting a kick out of seeing everyone with the Stinky Ashtrays. Where you at in MD brother?

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» I agree. Too young. I have both URO JUL07 and POS DIC06 and I do not

» intend on smoking any of these for years! :sleeping:


» Oh, I am getting a kick out of seeing everyone with the Stinky Ashtrays.

» Where you at in MD brother?

Agreed, these were some loose sticks I had, but the box is going down for a while.

I am in East Baltimore, how about you?

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terrific review, jkorp. keep 'em coming! :clap:

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I had a similar experience 2 weeks ago. I couldn't hold back so I lit one up and the draw was tight and it just tasted so incredibly YOUNG. After 3 weeks in the humi mine were still not dry enough for me. Like you, I clipped it and new I should put it down, but I fired it up instead. I made it a little over a third of the way, and just put it out. It wasn't ready. Here's to summer when I give another one a try!

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» » I agree. Too young. I have both URO JUL07 and POS DIC06 and I do not

» » intend on smoking any of these for years! :sleeping:

» »

» » Oh, I am getting a kick out of seeing everyone with the Stinky Ashtrays.


» » Where you at in MD brother?



» Agreed, these were some loose sticks I had, but the box is going down for

» a while.


» I am in East Baltimore, how about you?

The District brother!

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