Cigar Indian Statues

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» Anyone have any good sources for those Indian Statues you see outside of

» cigar shops all the time? Any websites sell them? I saw some on ebay but

» are there any other places to look? Thanks guys!


» -Patrick

I have a 3 ft wood it on ebay.

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» » Anyone have any good sources for those Indian Statues you see outside of

» » cigar shops all the time? Any websites sell them? I saw some on ebay

» but

» » are there any other places to look? Thanks guys!

» »

» » -Patrick


» I have a 3 ft wood it on ebay.

What does the statue mean? Is it just for decoration? Just curious.

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I have seen some of these on Ebay, the 6 foot ones, for great prices, IF you can pick them up and not pay the shipping. One really nice old one sold for $300 in Chicago.

You can search Ebay by locale to find things that are so heavy that they aren't practical to ship (or where sellers refuse to screw with shipping).

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