Question For HSA

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Hi Rob,

I have experienced a weird phenomenon over the years (only about 4 times ever) but know that others have had the rare experience as well but I have never found an adequate answer.

What would cause a cigar to taste completely like soap? Really, like you put a bar of soap in your mouth. I had heard that it's from soap or lotions on the roller's hands but have never received a confirmation or any other explanation.

I would love to hear what HSA's take on this rare occurrence is.

Thanks Rob


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» Happened to me with some P2's out of a 05 box.

I have had some cigars that were soap like in flavor also. I kind of liked them. Maybe it took me back in years when my mother washed my mouth out with soap. Believe me boys there is good soap and bad soap.:-D

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» » Happened to me with some P2's out of a 05 box.


» I have had some cigars that were soap like in flavor also. I kind of liked

» them. Maybe it took me back in years when my mother washed my mouth out

» with soap. Believe me boys there is good soap and bad soap.:-D

...just don't drop the soap.:lookaround:

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I've had the same experiencebut with a nc Punch Rare Coroho. the taste was horrible and I had to pitch it. I don't think this is confined to cuban cigars. I would like to know what causes it.

If it is soap on the hands of the roller, at least we know they're washing their hands after going potty.:-D

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  • 3 weeks later...

» Topper in case you missed this one Rob


» Thanks in advance!


» ~Mark

I know what you are talking about Mark as I have experienced it myself. I don't know the answer definitively and I doubt HSA would either.

However next time it happens to anyone....can they please remove the wrapper entirely, smoke binder and filler only and see if the soapy taste back.

Lets see if we can eliminate some of the likely culprits. I will ask HSA as well in an e-mail today.

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» I know what you are talking about Mark as I have experienced it myself. I

» don't know the answer definitively and I doubt HSA would either.


» However next time it happens to anyone....can they please remove the

» wrapper entirely, smoke binder and filler only and see if the soapy taste

» back.


» Lets see if we can eliminate some of the likely culprits. I will ask HSA

» as well in an e-mail today.

That's a great idea Rob.

Thanks for the reply


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  • 2 weeks later...

» I've had the same experiencebut with a nc Punch Rare Coroho. the taste was

» horrible and I had to pitch it. I don't think this is confined to cuban

» cigars. I would like to know what causes it.

» If it is soap on the hands of the roller, at least we know they're washing

» their hands after going potty.:-D

i guess i would rather have my cigar taste like soap, than have it taste like from-unda-cheese, crusty booger or toilet water.


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  • 6 months later...

A slightly new development.

On Friday, I pulled out a 1998 Partagas 898 after having a boneless ribeye (lightly seasoned), esparagus (w/ a little butter & lightly salted) and some coconut shrimp with mango puree.

The wine was a 1994 Duckhorn Cab.

The 898 started out with stellar aged 898 flavors but quickly became soapy. The odd thing with this occurrence was that it wasn't 100% soap as in the past. The entire length of the cigar was 1/2 soap and 1/2 age 898!

The past 3 or 4 times I've had the "soap" occur, I've thrown the cigar away. This was so odd, I smoked the entire cigar just to see.

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