Taboada Double Corona w/ Extra Ligero


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Taboada Double Corona w/ Extra Ligero and Maduro Wrapper

Enjoyed with Ron Pampero Anniversario.

The Taboada DC is jet black and oily. Smell at cold is raw leather and sweet chocolate. This is a sight to behold. Just as long as a regular DC, but a bit thinner ring. The foot is "uncircumcised".




I serrated the cap and the draw was exemplary. Tons of pepper spiced my lips.


1st Third: I did not know what to think of this bad boy before lighting. Mel had told me he had Taboada roll these with extra Ligero so be careful….and so with that subtle warning, went out to have a big lunch before I smoked this beast. Right out of the gate it was evident that there was extra Ligero inside. WOW. In your face with strong coffee, leather and tons of spice through the nose. It literally made my eyes water and my nose itch. Instantly I am reminded of John Mellencamp’s “It hurts so good”. I am in for a treat. Tons of billowing smoke, like I’m on a cloud. Dark bitter chocolate and raw, strong tobacco. Leather and pepper through the nose. This cigar is so strong I think smoke is coming out of my eyes too.


2nd Third: Now there is more sweetness peering through the strength. It wants to come out more into the fold, but the extra Ligero keeps beating that sweet **** into submission. I think after this cigar is done, I will have an aftertaste well into next week. Each puff reveals a total flavor explosion. When the start of the draw hits taste buds there is rich black coffee. When the smoke is on the tongue it is like I could take a bite of it. Tastes like a peppercorn filet mignon. Strong amaretto and hazelnut. Through the nose is pepper and nuances of chocolate. A few seconds after that is when you can literally “feel” the strength smack you silly. During this point I thought it fitting to give Mel a call and ask him if he was trying to kill me. He just laughed at my expense.


Last Third: The Taboada DC with Extra Ligero is by far the strongest, most full bodied cigar I have smoked. The coffee is now so strong I won’t need any in the morning for a month. I am not ashamed to say that I am light headed now. The ash is so scared of this thing it jumps off the cigar every half inch. It’s almost like taking a one pound bag of Columbian coffee beans, grinding them up, then eating them. Down to the end the Taboada DC does not let up and the coffee, leather and spice are still as present as they were in the beginning. A faint sweet syrupy flavor shows itself and is a welcome addition to the other heart poundingly strong flavors. I got it down to basically the nub. By this time I had already had my arm twited behind my back and was cryin' uncle!



To sum this mofo up, I can undoubtedly say that this was the strongest, most full bodied, coffee and pepper laden cigar I have ever smoked. It is a once - maybe twice a year cigar. Although it isnt a cigar I would reach for on a weekly basis, I loved it for it's sheer power and hearty coffee and pepper flavors.

I rate it 95/100

Thanks once again to Mel for trying to kill me:-|

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Terrific review, Austin . . . great words, great pics. Very evocative . . . this stick sounded so strong, I almost felt myself getting light-headed as I read along with you.


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» Thanks for another fine review. While it sounds like it was quite

» flavorful, it also sounds like

» it may have been out of balance - overly strong. Do you find this to be

» the case, or was the

» strength and power balanced with the overall flavor?


I don't want to say that it wasn't balanced. I think the whole point in Mel getting these rolled was to have an in your face cigar. The coffee and pepper that dominated it went very well with how strong it was. Was it overly strong? Yes...but it worked great with the full flavors that accompanied the strength. It really was a great cigar, it just isn't one I'd reach for daily thats for sure!

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» » Unless I missed, when did Toboada roll this great beast? Certainly has

» the

» » looks of a nostril buster!


» If I'm not mistaken these were rolled last time Taboada was in TJ, I think

» June or July, but Mel may chime in.

According to my calendar Toboada was there in Sept. I had another buddy tell me he had ordered his with the extra lijero and he liked it so I did the same and then was offered the chioce of three colors of wrapper and I choose the darkest to match the character of the beast. I do not believe that master Rodolpho will roll a cigar that is out of balance and being the master blender that he is I am sure this cigar is well designed. This is the thing about the customs, you may get to order up some different stuff. Not always better but different.

No Austin not trying to kill you just show you the power of the dark side.;-)

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Thanks for the wonderful review. I recently picked up 10 Canonasas, 10 Double Robustos and 10 Grand Coronas. Although they're probably not Extra Ligero's, I'm really looking forward to trying them in about a year! Thanks again for a great review!

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