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vitola: romeos

box code: millenium jar (gifted to me)

I received two of these from someone on ICC (thanks "ouch") in a trade after they came up in a discussion. Being a fan of the cuaba line I have always wanted to try these especially after smoking one from regular production recently. The pre light draw was easy and had a very light grassy flavor. The overall flavor wasn't predominated by any one flavor, but it did remind me of the few '98 exclusivos I have smoked in the last few years or so. The wrapped was a pale brown and did not show any signs of having a lot of oils as well as not having an "oily" sheen to it. Dark wrappers are not my favorite nor do I ever request them, so wrappers such as this never worry me or disappoint me when I get them. I smoked this cigar at my favorite restaurant in Austin: Habana restaurant on south congress after having fried pork chunks, con gris and yucca con mojo.





The cigar lit very well and took to the flame easily. Naturally with most figurados I burnt the side a bit because even with a single flame torch lighter it's hard to just light the foot. The burn did correct itself quickly though. The first few puffs and first inch or so pretty much had NO dominating flavors at all which worried me just abit. I was afraid this cigar might be a complete dud, but luckily it wasn't. Once the "nipple" had all but been burned and smoked the flavors started coming through though. It was definitely steeped in that tradicional cuaba flavor of grassiness and slight herbal tastes. There was also a hint of spice, but not much at all and that spice never really came through for the rest of the cigar. It was evident that this cigar definitely had some age on it as the cuaba flavors had mellowed out quite a bit and matured at the same time.


The first third pretty much stayed the same with no changes at all, but just entering the second third the flavors picked up a lot……so did the draw and volume of smoke. The heavy flavor of toasted and aged tobacco really kicked in here and the volumes of smoke were filling my mouth with great flavors of "CUABA". At this point I really didn't detect too many different flavors other than a strong aged tobacco flavor and some strong herbal/grassy notes, but I was not complaining at all. This cigar was full bodied at this point and the surroundings of a good breeze while sitting outside reading, listening to thelonious monk and some good coffee were making for a wonderful afternoon noon. Somewhere in the middle third I had taken in a huge mouthful of smoke to let out slowly in order to try and detect more flavors. For some reason I coughed pretty hard and inhaled, on accident mind you, my entire mouthful of smoke. After coughing pretty hard for about 10 seconds I got the smoke out of my lungs and was left with the unmistakeable taste of charcoal/charred wood in my mouth. I'm not sure if this flavor was a by product of the taste of the cigar or something that related to inhaling the smoke, but none the less it was enjoyable.


Nearing the end of the middle third the cigar pretty much went back to the start with a more subdued taste of tobacco and grassy aged tobacco. The rest of the cigar went down hill and didn't finish too strong at all (dumped it at about 1 ½ inches). Although at almost an hour after finishing this cigar I can still taste it in my mouth. There were a few spots in the cigar were the wrapper cracked while smoking it, but it never got out of hand and the burn always burned through without it turning into a major problem. The cigar was not complex as it smoked, but it was an enjoyable cigar none the less (of course I am fan of cuaba's, so that helps). I have one more of these and I will let it sit for awhile longer before I smoke it. Having smoked a handful of cuaba's from the late 90's I don't believe this cigar will improve much with age. Of course if I had the opportunity and the cash to buy a jar of these I most likely would. Then I could for sure find out how much these cigar would age over the next decade or more.



Score: 82 (good cigar and I'd say worth buying, but it didn't blow me away overall)

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» Score: 82 (good cigar and I'd say worth buying, but it didn't blow me

» away overall)

Nice review. Your meal is making me hungry for some Cuban food.

I love this cigar. I had one about two months ago. I like Cuaba in general, but I do not love it, and I rarely find myself reaching for a Cuaba. This cigar blew me away! I would have to guess that while you obviously enjoyed yourself, perhaps it was not the best example? I can't imagine a Cuaba lover having any misgivings whatsoever with one of the Distinguidos like I remember last having. Hopefully you will enjoy the next one much more!



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» I think that is the first review I've read of these. I've smoked the other

» two Millennium offerings, but haven't come across one of these yet. Sounds

» like overall this may be the lesser of the three.

I am not sure would make that assumption. I kind of think the opposite and I am more of a Monte and Cohiba smoker than Cuaba.

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» I think that is the first review I've read of these. I've smoked the other

» two Millennium offerings, but haven't come across one of these yet. Sounds

» like overall this may be the lesser of the three.

i was given a monte robusto from a MILL. jar years ago to smoke one night, but it's been so long i can't honestly remember how it tasted. i do remember liking it though.


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» i was given a monte robusto from a MILL. jar years ago to smoke one night,

» but it's been so long i can't honestly remember how it tasted. i do

» remember liking it though.

I've had the opportunity to smoke several, and actually smoked one of them last night. I like them quite a bit, but I'll wait at least five more years before I crack open that last jar.

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