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» Check this video from youtube. She really knows her stuff.


» http://youtube.com/watch?v=qf95wCx5j5o

Quick story.

Our previous home/humidor was in Dean Merlo's coffee emporium (best fresh roasted coffee in Australia). I started there in late 97 with the walk in humidor on a hand shake agreement. In 2006 we were so busy that we needed larger premises and I told Dean (Merl's) that I needed to re-locate. "No problem mate" he said. I will become a retail operation and you can supply. "Are you sure" I said....."I mean, it is a fairly unique industry."

Merl's was adamant and I sold him $30K of stock to get going and spent 6 hrs training his sub 20 year old and highly attractive coffee wenches the art of cigars, their names....Torpedo etc.

I popped in to see how he was going a week later and he took me in to the humidor as a lovely coffee wench was selling a cigar to a regular.

He asked about a Monte 2

" Ahhhh....the montecristo No 2 she said with a comely smile....one of our most popular "Tornadoes". ":lol2:

Dean looked at me and said in his best Crusty the Clown voice "......Ahhhhhhgh....I am going to go broke"

Dean doesn't sell cigars any more ;-)

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