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» » i cannot be responsible for where your mind wanders and the dark, deep

» » paranoia that lurks there.


» True that. But tales of drunken eyebrow licking and Sunday night

» debauchery on

» the Malecon don't help.

i can understand how that may have confused you. i deny completely any said activity on the malecon on any day of the week (you may have mistaken me for rob but if he is the source, nuff said).

the eyebrow event occurred when a bunch of extremely attractive and very drunk women decided they would see if they could lick my eyebrows off. what would any bloke do? it was unfortunate that they chose an extremely public place to do it. large quantities of bollinger had been involved. i'm only human.

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For those confused...Ken's original thread:

funny thing is a used to be called patsy after that very character. tall, blonde and got pissed and fell out of a limo one morning at the realised that they were bolly bottles and all mine (and if you think i was badpolo. not my best moment. then next morning started complaining about drunks leaving bottles on the lawn outside our units until i , a bunch of girls held a compettion to see if they could lick my eyebrows off). i have reformed.

My Response












Ken....that was the neighbours Golden Retriever......

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» » i'm only human.


» i've missed these little chats.

sadly they will have to wait for another month or so as i am off friday - all work tho possibly a couple of weeks fishing might sneak in. will try and get thru as many cigars as i can for eventual reviews (so no real need for the daily nagging, rob).

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