Humidor Advice

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Hi all, need some humidor advice, I did a forum search but it didn't really fit what I'm looking for.

I would need at the bare minimum a humidor that holds 100 cigars, and I'm kind of leaning towards maybe 150-200. I'd like my budget to be about $400 max as I'm trying to get this as a birthday present later in the year, I'd like my precious Cohibas to have their own home rather than spending time in my buddy's humidor! :-P

Does anyone have good sources, anywhere really, on humidors of this size? I'm not thinking about a cabinet just yet, I'd like a few years under my belt before I invest in one, and I don't need anything too fancy either, basically I'm looking for quality and capacity first, and fancyness second!


- Adric

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Here is a link to the first humidor I bought. It is larger than you requested (you will always need more space than you think you will) and now selling for $109 USD, plus shipping.

I have been very happy with mine. I use Heartfelt beads and the seal has been tight, humidity holds great. The bottom two drawers function and are good for storing cutters, lighters, etc. The top 4 drawers are fake, just for decoration. There is an interior cedar tray, so you can store some boxes at the bottom and also have room for singles at the top.

When my cigar obsession grew out of hand I took out the top tray and basically have stuffed it with boxes, works very well with that.


Good luck, I am sure you will get lots of other suggestions as well.

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»Oh and when I said $400 I meant AUS dollars, sorry :P)

You know how we Americans think, it's all about us :-P I should have assumed an Aussie board would be in AUD :-)

Still $400 AUD = approx $306 USD, you can get a great humi for less than that.


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Yes, definitely, both those sites have some amazing looking humidors on them for some fairly amazing prices compared to what I've actually seen in stores here, which always makes me think the old "buyer beware" and "too good to be true" thoughts...., not casting aspersions upon either's authenticity, I've just been burned a couple of times when buying online, both times I thought I was getting a fantastic deal :(

And I've got a soft spot for the analogue hygrometer, probably the same reason I like my analogue watch :P

Is it really more advisable to get a digital one though?

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Definitely use a digital, they tend to be much more precise. Just make sure to calibrate (any hygrometer) as most tend to be off a little.


BTW - I own the store for the links I provided (same links that are in my sig)

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» And I've got a soft spot for the analogue hygrometer, probably the same

» reason I like my analogue watch :P

» Is it really more advisable to get a digital one though?

You can leave the analogue hygrometer inside, BUT definitely pickup a good digital hygrometer. Calibrate both (salt test or Boveda packs) and keep your eye on them. Also, pick up some of the Heartfelt beads, they will keep your humidor at a rock solid humidity level.

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» basically I'm looking for quality and capacity first, and fancyness

» second!

While it wouldn't necessarily be the nicest birthday gift, you might want to

consider a cooler (eski), or a medium / large tupperware (or similar)


They really are a stable environment.

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My suggestion is to buy MUCH LARGER than you think you need--a small cabinet humidor if you can swing it. You may think you will never fill it. But you will. And then you will not have 5 extra desktop humidors to figure out what to do with.

Analog hygrometers are like my girlfriend in college. Cute but useless.

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» Here is a link to the first humidor I bought. It is larger than you

» requested (you will always need more space than you think you will) and

» now selling for $109 USD, plus shipping.


» I have been very happy with mine. I use Heartfelt beads and the seal has

» been tight, humidity holds great. The bottom two drawers function and are

» good for storing cutters, lighters, etc. The top 4 drawers are fake, just

» for decoration. There is an interior cedar tray, so you can store some

» boxes at the bottom and also have room for singles at the top.


» When my cigar obsession grew out of hand I took out the top tray and

» basically have stuffed it with boxes, works very well with that.


» [link][/link]


» Good luck, I am sure you will get lots of other suggestions as well.

I've purchased a couple small (100-150 count) humis from also, and so have several of my buddies. So far, they have all been great. I would also agree with the rest of the posts here: chuck that analog hygrometer in yer wifes greenhouse and buy digital. Well worth the $20us.

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» Analog hygrometers are like my girlfriend in college. Cute but useless.

Hahaha, :-P

Well, from what I'm hearing I think I may be getting myself that 300 Cigar humi that was linked, as I like the look of it and the accessories drawer is a nice touch, and some heartfelt beads and a digital hygro. Since I was thinking 100 cigar humi, I think 300 should see me right for a while, after that I'm sure I'll be considering a proper cabinet job.

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Big, big I tell you. No matter where you start it won't be enough so you might as well go big. 300 cigars is maybe 12 boxes. You could do that in one crazy month. You can add the tupperdore or the coolerdore later.:-)

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» Big, big I tell you. No matter where you start it won't be enough so you

» might as well go big. 300 cigars is maybe 12 boxes. You could do that in

» one crazy month. You can add the tupperdore or the coolerdore later.:-)

Haha, one crazy month? I WISH, I'm not only taking the capacity and price into consideration, I'm mainly considering my disposable income, I have yet to buy ONE box, let alone 12, I'm mostly getting singles or 5 packs at the moment, with a view to buying a box once I have a humidor to keep them in.

I'm just a student, so no matter how crazy the month, I'm in no danger of filling the humi :P

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» » Big, big I tell you. No matter where you start it won't be enough so

» you

» » might as well go big. 300 cigars is maybe 12 boxes. You could do that

» in

» » one crazy month. You can add the tupperdore or the coolerdore

» later.:-)



» Haha, one crazy month? I WISH, I'm not only taking the capacity and price

» into consideration, I'm mainly considering my disposable income, I have

» yet to buy ONE box, let alone 12, I'm mostly getting singles or 5 packs at

» the moment, with a view to buying a box once I have a humidor to keep them

» in.

» I'm just a student, so no matter how crazy the month, I'm in no danger of

» filling the humi :P

You say that now... but its a rapid downward spiral :lol2: If you really want to pinch the pennies, just get a cooler, beads, and digital hygro and you'll be good to go.

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» Haha, one crazy month? I WISH, I'm not only taking the capacity and price

» into consideration, I'm mainly considering my disposable income, I have

» yet to buy ONE box, let alone 12, I'm mostly getting singles or 5 packs at

» the moment, with a view to buying a box once I have a humidor to keep them

» in.

Good for you, you haven't discovered the world of BUILDING UP THE CREDIT CARD.

Rob, I think you should offer a FOH Visa, I'm sure some of us could use a separate card for our cigar purchases.

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I have had great luck with the two humis I purchased from Tampa Humidors. I have the Ravello and the smaller Milano. I use the Milano for mooch sticks and the Ravello for the CC's. Both are very stable and I would buy another from them without hesitation. :-)

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I got mine from Sounds dodgy but mine works a treat. It's not beautiful by any means but it sits perfectly between 65 and 70. My mate got one there as well. He had troubles early with over humidification but that was because he didn't calibrate it properly. Now it's fine.

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» Haha, one crazy month? I WISH, I'm not only taking the capacity and price

» into consideration, I'm mainly considering my disposable income, I have

» yet to buy ONE box, let alone 12, I'm mostly getting singles or 5 packs at

» the moment, with a view to buying a box once I have a humidor to keep them

» in.

» I'm just a student, so no matter how crazy the month, I'm in no danger of

» filling the humi :P

I hear ya. I bought three beautiful 300 humis before I realized, its easier to store in te boxes. Now one's in the office, one at home for the occasional mooches and one full of PC's. The cooledor , (100 qt) is now full. I'm looking at Marks beautiful custom stuff but will need a new home as the wife will execute me. Never enough room. Cooler are cheap and easy.

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