GHANA ?????????

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Before the World Cup started - you looked at Group "E" and obviously picked Italy to move on - possibly the Czech Republic - possibly the US - but Ghana??!! The almost bankrupt country where the gold mines had to be shut down for part of the day so the people can have enough electricity to watch their National team play ! That Ghana?!

Well, here we are then - and Team Italia and Team Ghana have indeed moved on to the Round of 16 ! Our boys managed but 1 goal in 3 matches (the Italy game was an "OWN GOAL" gift by the Italians. I guess there should be no more questions as to how effective playing a 4-5-1 formation is...... the question now is who will be the next US National Coach as Mr. Bruce Arena will surely be replaced.

Today's result is a real heartbreaker - if only I could find somw way to console myself ;-)

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» Before the World Cup started - you looked at Group "E" and obviously picked

» Italy to move on - possibly the Czech Republic - possibly the US - but

» Ghana??!! The almost bankrupt country where the gold mines had to be shut

» down for part of the day so the people can have enough electricity to watch

» their National team play ! That Ghana?!


» Well, here we are then - and Team Italia and Team Ghana have indeed moved

» on to the Round of 16 ! Our boys managed but 1 goal in 3 matches (the

» Italy game was an "OWN GOAL" gift by the Italians. I guess there should

» be no more questions as to how effective playing a 4-5-1 formation

» is...... the question now is who will be the next US National Coach as Mr.

» Bruce Arena will surely be replaced.


» Today's result is a real heartbreaker - if only I could find somw way to

» console myself ;-)

it was embarrasing.:-(

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» It was bad.


» I knew Ghana was ganna win today! :-(

That and I knew Italy was going to win. we had our chance and blew it! Oh well, Argentina or Brazil will probably take it. Although, it would be stupid to discount the home team!

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» 1 goal in 3 matches???? Boring and pathetic. No wonder I don't watch much

» soccer.

My sentiments exactly. I gave World Cup a chance and it just doesn't do much for me. I have a little more respect for the game, but I wouldn't choose it over any other sport.

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Guest boss hogg

» The call the ref made was a joke that set up that penalty shot.


» After they score it killed the morale in the USA team..

I think the US coach is going to be driving cabs at the next World Cup.

Bottom line? Good on Ghana. The US didn't even freakin' show up.

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» 1 goal in 3 matches???? Boring and pathetic. No wonder I don't watch much

» soccer.

Hey the sad part is that is 25% shooting percentage...a total of 4 shots on goal...PATHETIC:no:

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» » 1 goal in 3 matches???? Boring and pathetic. No wonder I don't watch

» much

» » soccer.


» My sentiments exactly. I gave World Cup a chance and it just doesn't do

» much for me. I have a little more respect for the game, but I wouldn't

» choose it over any other sport.

England invented soccer. France organized it. Brazil perfected it. And America ... ignores it.

Its not a sport for millionaire cry babies that drop fly balls, and airball free throws. We play it for the love of the game.

In Soccer there are no timeouts, no helmets, no shoulder pads, no commercial breaks, no halftime show. we actually do use our foot to play. We don't stop play every six seconds. We don't suck oxygen on the sidelines we play more than one game a week and we have a real world championship!

Pele famously called soccer "the beautiful game." It's estimated that almost 5 billion people will be watching the World Cup. If President Bush wants to declare war on Iran, abolish the United Nations, or do anything else without risking a reaction from the rest of the world, he's got a 90-minute window during the tournament final. The rest of the world will be hooked on their television screens. Can 5 billion people be wrong?

Yeah, I like soccer :-D

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» The call the ref made was a joke that set up that penalty shot.


» After they score it killed the morale in the USA team..

I agree it was a hit to the solar plexus !!!!

But they had 45 minutes to get over it and score some goals. They knew they NEEDED to win. Italia did its part beating the Czech Republic - the US needed to fulfil their mission and beat Ghana.

Now it's Ghana against Brasil ! I'm for Ghana as my money has backed Argentina for all the marbles -----having said that ---if the Soccer-Roos WIN it all -- I'm sure Rob will be so overjoyed that he will publish the greatest sale ever on FOH !!!!!

Go Soccer-Roos !!!!!! :clap:

BTW --A Cohiba DC EL is an OUTSTANDING way to get over the heartbreak of such a loss ! ;-)

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The US could be great at soccer if some of the talent that now focuses on other sports grew up playing soccer. Imagine a tall, quick NBA power forward in the goal, or a swift NFL wide receiver on the attack. I know these guys don't have the skill set for soccer now, but in the US kids don't even learn soccer and don't discover if they have an aptitude for it.

This is related to the all to common pattern in America of kids specializing in sports at an early age. In the quest to produce elite athletes, lots of kids pick a sport early, get special coaching, etc.

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