nobel prize for his bobness?

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If Bob Dylan is eligible, the writers for Cheers should also be, and win it before him.

Btw Ken. I recently found out I know a guy who was a personal bodyguard for many musicians in the New Jersey area in the 90's. Bruce Springsteen was one of them. He said that Bruce didn't treat the people around him very nice. Was the least favorite of many musicians who he had to protect and the list included Wu Tang Clan, Skid Row, Poison, Gwen Stefani, Bon Jovi plus more.

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i see no reason why screenwriters should not be considered. though i would struggle to see those guys, as much as i loved the show, deserving ahead of dylan.

sad to hear that re bruce. mate of mine drove for him and neil young and others for a while. neil was apparently a bit of an oddbod but he thought bruce was terrific. very friendly, no hassles. polite. happy to chat.

there are always a heap of sides to these stories and i suspect that they are largely like most of us. have good days and bad days.

an example for us is shane warne. all sorts off stories about him, good and bad, yet when i met him for an hour or so, he was incredibly charming and decent. we were in a hotel bar for a drink, arranged by a mate, and he took time for every drunk, kid, family etc. and yet others bag him relentlessly.

i think there is some clue in looking at the band. not a one has effectively left in 30 plus years. and they are only on contract - not a share, i believe. if he treated people badly for any length of time, i suspect that would have been very different.

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I hear you Ken. I was surprised to hear it. He seems genuinely friendly on stage. His rendition of Santa Claus is coming to town doesn't look like he is putting on a face to have fun.

the fun side i'm sure is utterly genuine. the concert in melbourne last year, for almost the entire thing but certainly the last 90 minutes, he had a smile that nearly split his face the entire time. clearly just loving it.

if you see the movie, 'springsteen and i' (which is great stuff), after one concert he is asked by a fan about where he gets his energy. the response, which was off the cuff, was about how he'd got so much pleasure from his fave musicians when young that it was an incredible privilege for him to do the same. he spoke about the joy it gave him (i was in tears) to bring some happiness to the fans, and i have no doubt it was genuinely meant. fabulous moment.

of course, picking up the odd 100 mill while doing it probably doesn't hurt but good luck to him, i say i can think of no one who deserves it more, for the sheer beaming joy he has brought to so many millions. and me.

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I hear you Ken. I was surprised to hear it. He seems genuinely friendly on stage. His rendition of Santa Claus is coming to town doesn't look like he is putting on a face to have fun.

i guess the other way to look at it is there are days when you get in a cab and don't want to chat, as much as the cabbie might want to. other days, fine to have a yack. the bodyguard might have got him on an off day. after all, of all the people on the planet you don't want pissed off with you it must surely be your bodyguard head of that list.

and i sometimes wonder if some of these guys think that the assignment ill be a day hanging out with bruce or bono (why would you want to) or mick or lady whoever. and not surprisingly, the 'client' doesn't see it as a day hanging out with joe the guard.

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