Iphone users: brilliant weather app for scheduling cigars.

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I have been using this new weather app for a few weeks and I must say its fantastic.


Its called partly cloudy...

It quite beautifully graphs out how much rain is expected to fall throughout the day/week with wind speed and temp all shown aswell. I like it becuase all the info is available on one simple screen and i dont have to read through reams of info like most other weathet apps.

I have been using it to decide whether or not i will be smoking a siglo i or a siglo iv lol. The irish weather is a cruel mistress.

Hope some of you get decent use out of it!

Many thanks.

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That app would be useless here in LA because is always monte A weather :D

Jealousy. We normally have good weather here in SC, but recently it's been typical southeast summer weather (ie constant thunderstorms). Guess that means I need to invest in a smoke eater and just bypass the weather altogether... :ok:

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