Cool or not?

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A comment was made in the "Harley for Men" thread that lends to the thought of age having a bearing on whether or not one can be cool....

Being I am well into the 45+ age group mentioned - I felt it necessary to point out that even oldsters like myself can be cool and conversely young pups can suffer from non-coolness.....

To support this statement I present a challenge test found on the Internet - Take the test and find out for yourself if you are cool.

Not to brag but I rated ultra cool :cool:

This test is based on how cool you were in High School--what crowd you ran with, etc. It's pretty accurate.


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Interesting test. I was actually unaware that my ex-wife was in the test building business . . . nice to know she found work.

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» Dammit, you made me spit bear all over my screen.:rotfl:

what the hell were you doing with a bear in your mouth? :surprised:

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» » Dammit, you made me spit bear all over my screen.:rotfl:


» what the hell were you doing with a bear in your mouth?

» :surprised:

:lol3: As you get older, certain things start to go. Your eye sight, your hearing, your spelling...............

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» A comment was made in the "Harley for Men" thread that lends to the thought

» of age having a bearing on whether or not one can be cool....

» Being I am well into the 45+ age group mentioned - I felt it necessary to

» point out that even oldsters like myself can be cool and conversely

» young pups can suffer from non-coolness.....


» To support this statement I present a challenge test found on the Internet

» - Take the test and find out for yourself if you are cool.


» Not to brag but I rated ultra cool :cool:


» This test is based on how cool you were in High School--what crowd you ran

» with, etc. It's pretty accurate.





Yep, pretty accurate! :-D

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