Quality of Construction

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I've been thinking about this for some time, and some recent discussions prompt me to make this post.

My thought is that one of the best things that could happen with regards to overall quality of construction

would be privatization / competition.

That is, the opening up of the Cuban cigar industry to producers other than HSA. I mentioned Hendrik Kelner

in another thread - if his likes were allowed access to top quality tobacco, to open their own factories, train

their own staff, etc, I think quality would skyrocket.

I know RA has mentioned there are native sons poised to take advantage if the situation were to become

a reality. I hope they are some day able.

Truly new brands, a real attention to quality details. Just a thought, but I'd love to see it come to pass.

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There will also need to be a change in Cuture. Real wages paid based on performance as well as better working conditions. It is no secret that Upmann factory s producing the best constructed cigars coming out of Havana....it is also the most modern factory.

Flip side is that I believe Habanos s.a will do everything possible to protect its monopoly. To see the introduction of independents will take a government with open economic policies designed to increase the breadth and scope of the Cuban economy. I doubt it will be this Government....but maybe the next.

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» There will also need to be a change in Cuture. Real wages paid based on

» performance as well as better working conditions. It is no secret that

» Upmann factory s producing the best constructed cigars coming out of

» Havana....it is also the most modern factory.

This is another area I'd see as a plus for competitors.


» Flip side is that I believe Habanos s.a will do everything possible to

» protect its monopoly. To see the introduction of independents will take a

» government with open economic policies designed to increase the breadth

» and scope of the Cuban economy. I doubt it will be this Government....but

» maybe the next.

No doubt that HSA would try to maintain a death grip.

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