Raked over the coals deleted

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It is with regret that I deleted the "Raked over the coals" thread.

Good mate Taino reminded me that while I have little to lose there are others associated with me in Havana who can be targetted particularly as they have spent time here with me in Australia. I really don't give a rats about myself but I would find it unconscionable that because of me, life get any harder for my friends in Havana.

The last time I was as incensed as yesterdayafternoon was when the same individual sought a full list and schedule of names that a Cuban guest (from HSA) had come in contact with during his week with myself here in Brisbane.

I look forward to the day when repression and persecusion are removed as pillars of Cuban Government and replaced by Freedom and Justice.

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That regime is its own worst enemy. In the end, the ordinary Cuban Citizens will get fed up to the point where enough people will take action. They need to wake up and remember what the Romanians did to Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife.

It’s too bad that such wonderful folks have to put up with so much ****.

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