Humidor Opinions

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I have one large (and very, very nice humidor that I bought at an estate sale thirty some years ago). It was made in the early 1900's and holds twenty some full boxes and an assortment of trays for viewing (glass top, sides, with matted edging) with about the same capacity in double stack. So, my needs aren't in this box that I use for aging...

I also have a rather cheap small box where I store my daily cigars once they leave the larger humidor that NEEDS to be replaced, retired, given away...

What I want to find is a 50-100 capacity nice humidor that reeks quality but not fancy (like my large one) -- in other words, I want a quality box without paying for engraving, inlays, etc. that will replace my need to open and close constantly the old antique (parts would require mucho dinero and a true craftsman to repair)...

Comments appreciated, suggestions (with websites) about model and cost would be desired...

Thanks all...


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Here's the one I bought a couple months ago:

[link=]100 Cigars[/link]

And here's the one I bought just last month:

[link=]300 Cigars[/link]

Stay tuned . . . I'm not saying I'm done yet. Also, I'd love to see some pics of your humidor. It sounds interesting.


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I live in a desert climate so I need a good humidor to maintain humidity. I use an Aristocrat cabinet for boxes, but I also have a Daniel Marshall that is "private stock," meaning it has some minor blemishes, but is a good deal for a great box. Most of the blemishes are so minor you'd never know it. It may be worth checking into:

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» Hi Jack,


» I'm going to start a post in the next week (in 3 or so parts) on making

» one yourself that may fit the bill for you if that's of any help.


» Cheers,

» Al.

Thanks, Al -- I'll look forward to reading that series. I have a workshop, but little time right now for more or new projects. That being said, however, another humidor -- a need and not just another want -- will certainly step to the 'head-of-the-line' if instructions are specific and includes a 'bill of materials'.

Best Regards:


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I have had great results with this from Tampa [link=]Milano[/link] and also this larger one from tampa as well [link=]Ravello[/link]

For a 50 count, Holts had some nice ones as well in the same price range. All 3 have tight seals and once set up properly hold humidity very well. I run my Milano at 70% for NC and the Ravello at 65% for everything else. Both are stable, and I would recommend Tampa Humidors highly for their small humi's.:-)

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Hi Jack,

Check out (I carry those)

Great quality for the money.

If you want something really nice, I have a vintage Dunhill desktop that I would trade for smokes.

I hope this helps


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