Where does your allegiance go?

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You are mandated to only smoke one name brand of Cuban cigar, or lose all privileges to smoking any Cuban cigars whatsoever...

What manufacturer do you select?

And what size?

And finally, why said brand was selected?

Thanks in advance for this 'I'm-certain-this-question-has-been-asked-many-times-before' nonsense...


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» You are mandated to only smoke one name brand of Cuban cigar, or lose all

» privileges to smoking any Cuban cigars whatsoever...


» What manufacturer do you select?


» And what size?


» And finally, why said brand was selected?



» Thanks in advance for this

» 'I'm-certain-this-question-has-been-asked-many-times-before'

» nonsense...



» Jack

One and only one?

Cohiba Esplendidos, hands-down...

It's a magnificent smoke, and it lasts long enough to make up for not being able to smoke any other vitolas.

I thought about listing a shorter smoke, since I could smoke those more often, but I'd rather smoke less often, but better. :-D

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I know that I would smoke fewer cigars than (the few) I do now if I were restricted to one vitola within one marca.

At gunpoint, I would have to say H. Upmann Mag 46 if we're talking about current production. But I wouldn't be happy about it.

Why? I really like the flavor of them and the size is good for me (Lonsdale or No. 1 are better-sized still, but they aren't rolling them anymore).

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» What manufacturer do you select?


» And what size?

Robusto or Esplendidos

» And finally, why said brand was selected?

These have always been the go to smokes for me, when I want a regular production smoke, I know I will usually enjoy. Unfortunately, when they are having production issues, these can really be a let down..

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» What manufacturer do you select?

Hoya de monterrey

» And what size?

Double Corona


» And finally, why said brand was selected?

Just the best, smoke it out of the box, or age it, a manific cigar

If I can choose any cigar in the world it would be

Davidoff Château Mouton Rothschild .... but quite hard to get your hands on....

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» What manufacturer do you select?

» Ramone Allones

» And what size?


» And finally, why said brand was selected?


» 'Cause it's the last box I bought :-D


I always love whatever is new-to-me, (except for two boxes of Punch Punch I bought last year, not from the Czar, that sucked then and still suck now) Those RASCC are really great, I got a box about 3 or 4 weeks ago, smoked 4 so far, no variance, all were outstanding, they should come in cabs of 50! I'm always thinking about that next box though, so I reserve the right to change my allegiance...:lookaround:

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» What manufacturer do you select?


» And what size?

Either D4 or if in for the long haul, a SdC#1

» And finally, why said brand was selected?

I'm a complete partagas ho!

» Thanks in advance for this

You're welcome!!!

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» You are mandated to only smoke one name brand of Cuban cigar, or lose all

» privileges to smoking any Cuban cigars whatsoever...


» What manufacturer do you select?


» And what size?


» And finally, why said brand was selected?



» Thanks in advance for this

» 'I'm-certain-this-question-has-been-asked-many-times-before'

» nonsense...



» Jack

Cohiba robusto

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