Smoke of the Day Monday March 3

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Holy Mother, this is the start of week number 3 for me with this crazy flu. I've been coughing so hard that I threw my back out. Every week the department requires me to go to the doctor to get check out. I see the doctor yep your sick go home. Only this time I needed the back doctor to see me. I threw out 3 disk in my back and another is ready to go anytime. So now I'm on bed rest. If I were a horse they would have shot me by now.

What are we smokin boys?????

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Jeez gost you're really suffering, think about how sweet that first cigar's gonna feel.

A dissappointing HdM#2 in the afternoon then a RG panatela extra this evening which is alright, needs a lot of purging tho.

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» Holy Mother, this is the start of week number 3 for me with this crazy flu.

» I've been coughing so hard that I threw my back out. Every week the

» department requires me to go to the doctor to get check out. I see the

» doctor yep your sick go home. Only this time I needed the back doctor to

» see me. I threw out 3 disk in my back and another is ready to go anytime.

» So now I'm on bed rest. If I were a horse they would have shot me by

» now.


» What are we smokin boys?????

I feel guilty enjoying a smoke (and telling you about it) in the condition you are in.

Get well soon!

Not too guilty to say Partagas SD4, followed by a Fuente Anejo Shark gifted by someone on this board. Nice day.

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well since it was my 38th birthday i thought to have a partagas custom Diademas made at the part fac about 3 or s years ago.

mild but nice, i prefer a little more ligerro

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» Holy Mother, this is the start of week number 3 for me with this crazy flu.

» I've been coughing so hard that I threw my back out. Every week the

» department requires me to go to the doctor to get check out. I see the

» doctor yep your sick go home. Only this time I needed the back doctor to

» see me. I threw out 3 disk in my back and another is ready to go anytime.

» So now I'm on bed rest. If I were a horse they would have shot me by

» now.


» What are we smokin boys?????

First off, get better.

Two cigars today:

First, a Partagas Short (RSB-ABR07) which was a nice smoke, perhaps a bit young, but certainly acceptable. I just got the cabinet and wanted to see how close they were to an everyday smoke. This box will be set aside and checked periodically until ready...

Second, a Bolivar Bonita (POS-ABR06) that was quite good and smoked very well. I'll be back to these in a couple months, but they are real nice at about two years...


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