Problem with sending pic\'s through e-mail\'s

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I have a Kodak DX6490 and i just redownload the program to store the pics when i down load them for the camera on the computer.

When i go to send by E-Mail i go to attachments than go to the Kodak file to open it.

This is where the problem happens it does no open the file for me to pick the picture's i like.

Instead the whole file goes in with all the pictures i dont know how to fix this.

Went to imageshack to down load a pic from my file so i can post on the forums and again only the whole Kodak file transfers over with all my picture's.

Since i use two differant programs this has to be a window mess up.

Can anyone help me please.:-(

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Jimmy, a simple solution is to copy all of those image files into a regular folder... that should do the trick if I am understanding your problem correctly. It is also possible that this program already does this for you (copying them to a regular folder) but that you just don't know where it is. (I have run into this with several photo programs and the program I use that scans photos and documents). You could check that by using the Windows Search off of your start menu, search for all pictures and photos.

Hope this helps.

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I think PT is correct - you have to navigate to the individual image you want to upload.

I'm not sure how the Kodak program works (I use iphoto), but with the program open,

you may be able to highlight the image you want and copy it to your desktop, then navigate

to that. From iphoto, I can just drag the image I want to my desktop.

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» I have a Kodak DX6490 and i just redownload the program to store the pics

» when i down load them for the camera on the computer.


» When i go to send by E-Mail i go to attachments than go to the Kodak file

» to open it.

Jimmy, I used to have same camera. The free photo catalogue program provided by Kodak if fairly universally considered as "crap".

I went to AdobePhotoshop elements (cheap & effective), that has its own catalogue system built in.

Adobe used to / may still provided the catalogue part of the program for free.

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Thanks for the help still no good its killing me why i can not use it through the attachments on my AOL mail.

I can open it up fine and look at the pictures but to use it through the mail and use attachments it just send the whole file.

The same with photo bucket this is driving me nuts where are all the computer geeks.LOL

Even if i get a single picture in the attachment i just sent my self an email and guess what when i just opened it up it had all the pictures again?

I never had a problem with this ever before the reinstall there has to be a messed up setting some where?

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