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On wednesday I received a box of Lanceros from the Czar. The box code:PYF NOV 05. From the pigtail down maybe an inch, there is a very faint "dust" if you will. Not fuzzy, but powder like. Some of the cigars have a little more dusting along the body, but just about all have it along the top inch of the cigar. Could this be bloom?

I would send pics, but I do not own a digital camera. Thank you.

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» On wednesday I received a box of Lanceros from the Czar. The box code:PYF

» NOV 05. From the pigtail down maybe an inch, there is a very faint "dust"

» if you will. Not fuzzy, but powder like. Some of the cigars have a little

» more dusting along the body, but just about all have it along the top inch

» of the cigar. Could this be bloom?


» I would send pics, but I do not own a digital camera. Thank you. my experience can happen at any time. We have found that bloom can be onset by a quick and dramatic change of temperature....say, 25 degrees celsius (say a delivery truck) to 14 degrees Celsius (our warehouse) to 18 degrees Celsius (our humidor).

If we do the above (within 36 hours) we get bloom on a significant proportion of cigars. We don't do it on purpose but in summer it can occur.

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