Tennesseeans....check in!

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I heard a few minutes ago some hurricanes have ripped through.

I know Mel and Fred D went shooting over the weekend but thought the only risk was to Mel given the fact Fred struggles to focus let alone shoot.

Check in boys.

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tornadic activity ripped through the northwestern parts of the state, killing 23. one of the towns especially hit hard was dyersburg, where i do alot of duck and goose hunting. all of my buddies over there made it through fine. in middle tennessee where i am, we mainly picked up some severe thunderstorms and hail, with no major damage.

we still managed to make it into the woods the next morning to shoot on some wild turkeys.

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Additional deaths reported in East TN!

Two adult male long beard turkeys came to an unfortunate end this weekend. Fred and I are fine. Fred actually killed some thing:surprised: I have seen him int action three times in the hunting deer in the past year.

1. Miss with a crossbow

2. Hit one in the ass with same crossbow(poorly) no kill.

3. Miss with a scoped 7mm Rem mag. less than 80 yards.:-(

He killed his first bird on opening day. I got one the next day. All this before the killer storms. It did not get to bad up here in our neck of the woods. Thanks El Prez.

Harwellplant are you on the birds? What does "shoot on some wild turkeys" mean?

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» we still managed to make it into the woods the next morning to shoot on

» some wild turkeys.

I'm a Rare Bread fan myself, don't like to shoot it - just a highball with some ice. . .:-D

Glad you all are okay.

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» Harwellplant are you on the birds? What does "shoot on some wild turkeys"

» mean?

that is middle tennessee language for killing turkeys. lol. the birds are still grouped, and still in the woods. the wet weather had some flocks sunning in the fields, but most folks are using setups along wood paths and attempting to locate roosting sites.

and tony - we have that wild turkey, too.

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» Additional deaths reported in East TN!


» Two adult male long beard turkeys came to an unfortunate end this weekend.

» Fred and I are fine. Fred actually killed some thing:surprised: I have seen

» him int action three times in the hunting deer in the past year.

» 1. Miss with a crossbow

» 2. Hit one in the ass with same crossbow(poorly) no kill.

» 3. Miss with a scoped 7mm Rem mag. less than 80 yards.:-(


» He killed his first bird on opening day. I got one the next day. All this

» before the killer storms. It did not get to bad up here in our neck of the

» woods. Thanks El Prez.


» Harwellplant are you on the birds? What does "shoot on some wild turkeys"

» mean?

I am stunned that Fred D actually shot something :lol: Going shooting with him must be a scary experience.

......Fred...if you see this....tell everyone how you shot your neighbours house :rotfl:

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» The new batch of tornadoes has just leveled a number of towns. It will be

» very bad when everyone wakes up in the morning, nashville is ok, but many

» other areas are just destroyed. I just saw some video footage, it is very

» sad. pray for everyone here.

damn, they're really pickin on that area... and its so close to the beginning of the season...:-(

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It was a nasty line of storms that moved through TN/northern MS yesterday. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's house. Atleast he wasn't another statistic, 35 people killed in about a week. I read no one was killed by tornadoes in the past 2 years and it just hit this year. Stay safe everyone!

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storms kicked up a lot in the middle, but no severe damage my way.

to keep mine and mel's threadjack going, the friday night storm did make for incredible turkey hunting saturday morning as the birds to took the fields early and fast. about 30 mins after fly down i bagged a 19.5 pounder with a 9 3/16 inch beard at 53 paces (shooting the winchester xtended 3 1/2 inch shell with 6 shot -- best ammunition on the market for dropping a bird in his tracks, but damn hard to hit from 20 yards in because of the super tight pattern). we put the bird in our makeshift blind set up and, not more than 30 mins later, my cousin and hunting partner nailed the largest of a group of five jakes and a hen that worked the decoys hard.

how was your weekend luck, doc?

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Friday was slow for me just heard a few but they were on the other ridge. Was not able to go Sat. but they gobbled their fool heads off Sunday on the roost. It got real slow so I lit a 01 Sig III and stareted to call again. Nothing........... Never heard another peep much less a gobble. At 12:30 (noon) I had pretty much given up and sat more upright in the blind smoking a R&J Herm #2 LE. I happened to glance left there stood two of the blackest longbeard bastards that you have imagined. Needless to say they were non smokers and being offended for by air polution they clucked and walked.

Sometimes I just can't decide whether to smoke or hunt.

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