Newbie from Oklahoma


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Found this forum and have been reading a little and is time to do a quick into.

Been smoking cigars for about 2 years now but found them late in life.  First year was the normal learning curve about RH, temp, tastes, etc.  It was hell and almost gave up on it because I couldn't get a decent smoke half the time.  Pretty much quit listing to well intention friends who didn't really know what they were talking about (70/70 rule, huh?)  and started reading online more when things finally started coming together and am now well on the slippery slope and enjoy a smoke almost daily.

I seem to have gotten the cc bug bite and man is it itching...  Will take a while before I pursue this more but for now this looks like a friendly, helpful place I can learn from so really look forward to it.  Now I just gotta figure out how to navigate this forum, finish my acct info somewhere, and maybe start meeting a few of you nice folks.

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Welcome! This place has a ton of great info. In addition, the 24:24 sales are a great way to try some different CCs. I've mostly been buying 10-boxes and singles since I decided to get back into CCs last fall, but now that I have an idea of what I like, I want to start jumping into the 24:24s, though my bank account may not be fully on board.

I have some family in OK, but I've never been out there myself. Someday, hopefully.

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